Watchtower Online Library

by enigma1863 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • enigma1863

    Hey, did you guys know the WTS has there library on line.

    It only goes back to the year 2000 though. Anyone know any funny quotes to look up? I wanna see if they did some editing.

  • Quendi

    The WTS has already stated that there will be some textual revisions made for the Online Library. So that means in some instances there will be wording in the electronic version of a text which does not appear in the original hard copy. As far as I'm concerned, this is just another way the organization is "covering its tracks". It doesn't want anyone to use its own writings against it, so it will revise the electronic selections to say what the organization wants people to believe has been its teaching on a point all along. Furthermore, it appears there is no intention of making material published before the year 2000 available in the electronic format. Again, the reason for that is self-evident.


  • Soldier77

    Hold on to your WT CDROM Libraries! They will be great in using to verify years from now their publications.

  • Fernando

    Honest research includes full verifiable citations.

    Honest revision includes version/edition numbers and dates.

    The infamous Watchtower fails both.

  • diamondiiz

    While at this point there is no proof they've changed anything on their cd-rom library we cannot assume they will change things on their online library either. It doesn't mean they won't "update" their publications as has been done with Revelation book and few others which does amount to changing the original thought but these changes weren't covert. They did however change few instances in their bound volumes from original watchtower study articles in the past when dealing with end dates occurring prior to year 2000 which on the other hand haven't been announced to general r&f.

    One doesn't need to save hard copies of their crap as it would take up too much shelf space, but simply dl their pdfs and compare anything down the road if you need to.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    So it appears that they're really closing the books on the Fred Franz (died December 22, 1992) era. As De Gaulle once said: " The cemetery is full of indispensible people."

  • Quendi

    As a matter of fact, Soldier77, the WTS has already altered the text of publications for the Watchtower Library CD-ROMs. Others have documented where the wording of articles that appeared in the bound volumes of The Watchtower and Awake! were subtlely altered in the electronic versions of those same pieces. No notation was ever made of the changes so if you're depending on the CD-ROMs for the original text, you might be mistaken in some cases.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    They altered text between the publication and the bound volumes. And there is proof (eg. the 20th century gaffe)

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