What's Wrong with Being A JW?

by Vanderhoven7 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7
  • mouthy

    Nothing at all. If that is what you want to be. BUT! I think you should know BEFORE you get dunked
    that you cant have anymore birthdays,to celebrate, no Mothers day, Fathers day,you cant vote,cant go into a church,( your told they are all the devils places)you have to take any abuse because your a JW ,that is from Jehovah...Cant join any other "club" like joining up, or going into the Salvation Army stores,
    Oh I forgot NO oral sex thAt's a real baddy, even if your hubby isnt a jw you have to tell him NO!!!! But if he beats you just remember your saying NO for Jehovah....NO BLOOD!!!!( only what flows out of your head after the beating) You should be able to go knocking on doors at least 10 hours a month... Must turn in your time...& money if they donate for the mags... Well this is just a few of the reasons why I believe the wrong in being a JW

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    You would be supporting a group that is responsible for the ruination of millions of lives, and the deaths of tens of thousands of lives.

    That, in my books, is wrong.

    No matter how much social benefit one may derive from being a part of a closed in society - it is not worth it, knowing that you are aligning yourself with such an evil entity. And I do not use the term evil loosely.

    Besides, life outside of the JW movement, is a life full of love, harmony, and joy - no matter what anyone may try and tell you about the evil that exists in the world at large. One can easily carve out their own paradise in a free environment.

    Peace to all,

    The Oracle

  • Vanderhoven7
  • elderelite

    As long as you understand it for what it is..... Nothing. But most dubbies are making life choices based on fairy tales. That isnt cool.

  • JamesThomas

    Embracing belief in a creator that will punish or kill you if you do not love and worship it, drastically corrupts our understanding of love and divinity.

    Likewise, to believe that our reality came about in only so many thousands of years -- rather than the wondrous complicated dance of billions and billions of years that nature gives witness to -- denies us the most profound aspects and beauty of our existence.

    These and many, many other foolish beliefs of JW's (and others) numbs our appreciation and sense of reality.

  • Farkel

    :What's Wrong with Being A JW?

    Having one's life work and be fulfilled has been described as achieving freedom, happiness, health and full self-expression.

    That being the case, if one doesn't want one's life to work, there is NOTHING wrong with being a JW. Otherwise, there is EVERYTHING wrong with being a JW.


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