Witness Grandparents

by EmptyInside 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    First of all,I do not have grandparents,and I don't have children. But,I was curious about how some of you would react if your Witness parents showed the new video,"Listen,Obey,and Be Blessed" to your young children.

    I personally know of at least a few grandparents who are probably anxious to show this video to their grandchildren. I know a Witness who actually moved to be closer to her son and his family,so she could help them back into the "truth". I'm sure she will take the opportunity to show her grandson the video.

    It always surprised me of how many ex-Witnesses allowed their parents to take their children to the meetings,conventions,etc. Maybe it was to keep peace in the family,or for baby sitting purposes,I don't know.

    It always surprised me more when others let other members study with their kids,especially non-Witnesses. I can't get over how they would let them go off with a stranger and let them teach them about morality and the religion.

    It's one of the Witnesses many double standards,they wouldn't like it if a Lutheran,just an example,starting talking to their young children about the Lutheran faith. But,it's okay for them to do.

    Well,just curious,since all the Sparlock stuff,lol.

  • Nice_Dream

    We're fading and live in a convention town the inlaws travel to (fun!) My husband's parents and siblings are unaware of our status, so we will be away for the weekend they are here for the convention to avoid letting the cat out of the bag. One of the sister in laws is super annoying, and she would probably want to watch that video with our children. Thankfully this won't happen.

    I will also never leave my children with the witness inlaws to avoid them trying to indoctrinate them. I have also tried to teach my children about different beliefs, and explained how the witness family has beliefs we no longer agree with.

  • talesin

    Nice_Dream -- smart!

    EmptyInside -- It's sad but true. I know some ex-JWs who are not that careful, and I truly hope they don't come to rue the day they allowed their JW parents to spend unsupervised time with their children.

    If I had kids, that would NOT be permitted.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Not every ex-Witness, or even Bible Study, fully understands that Watchtower god is nothing but an invention of the high control cult they had some kind of contact with. Unless they do, there is always a chance they will join, rejoin, or let the 'faithful' teach their kids.

    What parents have to do, is cult proof their kids, so that they can recognise when a Mormon, Moonie, Falun Gong, or Grandma, is trying to fill their heads with BS.

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