I was wrong about the picture in the Learn from the Great Teacher book. I am sorry

by life is to short 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I now totally understand thanks to the great and wonderful insight that Justitia Themis and fleman uk have given to me that there is no problem with pedophiles in the JW's.

    I have been totally over emotional from what I can understand them to mean.

    What was it Justitia Themis called me, illogical. Justitia Themis said that I clearly said that I am "Desperate to bring down the religion," I NEVER said that! She took my words out of context. Then she corrected herself after she tried to derail my thread and make me look like a fool by name calling. This is what she next said.

    "I am DESPERATE to have PEDOPHILES stop interacting with kids in this religion!(I agree I did say that.)

    Desperation nonetheless >bad decision-making >illogical arguments."

    OK so we have no problems in the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses. I got it I am just such a idiot and so stupid not to get it.

    OK then how come I was threatened with being DF'ed because I told a mom that a pedophile was holding her kid? I am just wondering? Justitia Themis and fleman why? All I did was to tell a mom who had a in fact five year old child that the brother who was holding a three year old at time (he was standing right in front of us) was a pedophile and I was told I was gossiping. I guess I was and I should have been DF'ed for that. What was it the elder told me I was doing oh that it I was that I was causing divisions in the hall because I was scaring moms. This elder had to convince the mom that I had told that this level two sex offender who was on the internet was indeed safe to be with her kid, and this elder was beyond upset at me for what I had done. The sex offeneder had been a level three but the kindly elder told me he helped him to get dropped down to a two and was working on getting him dopped down to a one. That should be a DFing offence what I did when I told the mom, I was wrong, my bad. Oh by the way the elder told me that the sex offender did not truly do the crime even though he served eight years in prion for rapping a eight year old child. The pedophile told the elders he did not do it and as the elder told me no 'brother' would ever lie to a body of elders. If he said he did not do it then he did not do it. It did not matter that a court of law found him guilty.

    I now know very clearly that a five year old child is very, very, very, in fact extremely capable to fight off any pedophile that could ever came at them as it is clearly shown in the "Learn from the Great Teacher book" on page 171. It is just such great advice that the Faithful Slave has given us. Thank you for helping me to see that so clearly Justitia. I was so stupid before.

    I have asked over and over and over how come the men who were molested by Jerry Sandusky when they were in the early teens and told him NO, how come Jerry still molested them? It is just truly mind boggling that the advice of the Faithful Salve did not work for them. I mean these were not five year olds they were teens. My stupid mind just cannot get it. Please help me to understand it. I am being very serious here, how come nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, year old's get molested when a five year old can fend off an attacker? Please answer this.

    How come that little girl that I personally knew, an elders daughter in fact who was molested at the age of five by a member of the congregation how come she killed herself when she was 22 years old. She was the age of the little girl in the picture who is saying STOP! I know why she killed herself? Duh she did not say STOP like she was supposed to and she probably blamed herself. The loving elders should have DF'ed her for loose conduct at that age because after all the Faithful salve knows everything and they can never be wrong in any advice they give. Oh by the way the loving brother who molested her, he's still walking around freely interacting in secretly in the congregation. After all he said he was sorry.

    I am not joking her aunt told me 'what is he supposed to do live his life as a child molester when he just made one mistake.' The aunt as been a pioneer for over 30 years.

    Yes there is no problem in the JW's because no one is allowed to know who the child molesters are.

    I got a question though and it is not just my question but other have also asked it Justitia Themis and you have never answered it expect to name call me and say I am making to quote "bad decision-making >illogical arguments" Cut and pasted from one of you big law books it looks like.

    Since the advice is so great and it is the same advice that was given to your two girls at the school, how come unlike at the school the elders do not call the police first. How come the first place they call is legal at Bethel and if they do call the police they call from a pay phone, why a pay phone? My elder husband told me that it is true it is a pay phone. They are to never use a cell phone. Also why are no recording devices allowed in their elder schools? Is that the same policy at the school gave to you daughters the wonderful advice that you said was the same as the WT. Are the teachers at your daughters school supposed to go to a pay phone to call the police if a child told them they were being abused?

    I know fleaman and to quote you "Even elders were saying they were not qualified to deal with abuse cases and would gladly go straight to the police."

    When I was first married to my husband who had been an elder for about 10 years at the time we had a problem that clearly needed police intervention, it was not a pedophile but it was just as bad. My husband called legal first like he was trained to do and the brother he spoke to actually told him to go straight to the police. We were literally walking out the door when another brother called back from Bethel and demanded we STOP. This brother did not want the police involved in anyway. He said it would bring reproach on Jehovah's name.

    I know you said and again to quote you " Pedophile paradise? definitely not."

    What other religion would you find as I did three pedophiles interacting with, holding, taking care of kids at the meetings in front of the elders, mentoring children by having them to their homes for outside sleepover's, even holding a baby shower. What other religion does not require at the least a back ground checks on members who interact with kids. I know Jehovah's Witnesses because they are the only ones immune to child molesters.

    This is what you said on your last post to me Justitia Thernis "I'm sorry you started the thread too! I have particular disdain for people who state an opinion, ask others to comment on whether or not they agree, and then become angry when people tell them they do not agree and why.

    I have a particular disdain for people who do not get the pain of being molested either. I do become angry when people defend a religion that has as in the case of my hall three child molesters that are hidden in secrecy and try to tell me there is no problem in the religion.


  • wasblind

    I was also wrong,

    Bein' abused is not a desparate situation, it is illogical to think so

    So I guess LITS and wasblind are two peas in a pod

    we are just plain ole crazy

    When my dad use to abuse my mom, that was not a desparate situation and it was illogical to think so

    My bad.

    I'm just cazry to think such, yes I spelled crazy wrong, that's cuz I'm crazy

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