How many of you had readings of the text in school

by terafera 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    Reading some of the posts made me remember (not fondly!) not fitting in as a JW in school. Then a sister mentioned that Bro. So and So started a text reading every morning down at the cafeteria! Wasnt that lovely?

    I had never fit in, so thought maybe this was finally my chance to belong. I would go to school an extra hour early with my two brothers, and sit in the cafeteria while the brother read the day's text. I guess it was supposed to help us face the day as true 'Christians'... but I dont thnk I was ever really encouraged by it. Seemed to be a glorified meeting, thats all. He never asked our ideas, opinions, ..just read it, gave us his views and prayed.

    I was wondering if any of you have kids who met in school or did yourself?

  • Beck_Melbourne


    That's the first time i've heard of that being done in school...and i'm so glad it wasnt done at my school. What a double bummer...being a JW kid AND doing the days text at school...can't imagine anything worse!!!


  • plmkrzy

    When I was in Jr. high our district had a private school for JW kidds. It didn't last very long though because it turned out they were worse then the mainstreem schools so it was closed. I still chuckle about that every BLUE MOON when i remember it.

    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • terafera

    LOL you got it, Beck!

    The bad thing was we would go around 6am, the brother worked at the school so didnt have to get up early. He had 7 or 8 kids and they made up the whole group. You were looked at as a 'worldly' acting jw if you didnt our parents told us to.

    The good ole days!

  • collegegirl

    Oh my goodness! I would have hidden if there was a witness kid who tried to have a text reading thing in school.... There was a kid in kindergarten who, for show and tell, brought in a bible story book and said everyone was going to die unless they read that book... That was just sick... more so on the parent's part. I had it pretty easy in hight school though, and now in college no one knows about me being a Witness.... Why do they have to know? It's not like i believe it or anything....

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Every Tuesday morining in Primary School (Grade 1-7) at 10:40 we had 'Scripture'. Priests, Nuns and other Ministers used to decend on the school for their 20 minute time slot. At some schools there wasn't a JW who came, but usually there was someone who'd claim the time. The last Sister who took my Scripture class was an excellent lady who was really frustrated at my seeming learning disability at learning the books of the bible!! Got got Genisis to Song of Solomon and Mathew to 2 Coninthians by 7th Grade and never, ever got any further!!! Even as an MS!

    Now I reckon I was smarter in 7th Grade! Should have stuck to my initial assessment that it was silly and a waste of brain space!


  • greven

    my reasoning was that by not telling them I was a JW they would not have any prejustice and would learn me the normal way without shying away. and if eventually they would find out, they reacted like: "I always thought this or that", "but you are so normal and stuff" etc etc. worked with my parents as well.
    I remember a JW friend in another class at the same school. he was together with another JW girl in class and at the first day everybody had to introduce himself/herself in front of the class. she went first and right away told everybody she was a JW and mentioned my friend as one too. then she moved on and told all the things she wasn`t allowed to do including sex before mariage. needless to saythere was a lot of sniggering and she completely embarressed my friend who wanted to keep a low profile. pathetic.

    "Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
    -from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-

  • DB

    Hey there terafera! ;)

    Interesting post, and actually I would wonder how the school reacted to such discussions, whether they would be considered as teaching or/ having a structured discussion of religion in school, which could have gotten the brother in hot water. I wonder if he asked permission from the school first? Somehow, I doubt it, lol.

    I can't recall any such discussions when I was in school, and yes, I am rather thankful there weren't, lol.

    Take care! DB ;);)

  • terafera

    Hiya DB!!

    Yes I kinda wonder if that brother told anyone..he would meet in the back of the cafeteria...I think he liked getting in an hour of field service time at work!LOL

    Take care bud!!

  • DB

    Hey terafera, you hit the nail on the head...he probably counted time on his service report...not a bad idea from his standpoint, probably counted 5 hrs/month, lol

    Take care bud!! ;)

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