I walked into a JW convention - well, sort of

by skeeter1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Skeeter family love ice hockey. We go to public skating sessions to stretch our legs. One of the nearby skating rinks is called Germain Arena. It is a stadium, with two attached ice skating rinks for public sessions. The parking lot is huge, and it is ALL filed iwth cars. That's unusual for a Saturday afternoon. We get out of the car with all of our hockey bags, and go into the rink. WHEN, we SEE a gazillion JWs! Oh, MY GOLLY.

    That group is so easy to recognize. Brown polyester suits, the cheapest kind you can get. Some women were way overdressed. The group looked wierd. As I am completly out of it now, they just looked soooo wierd. Many did not look like the brightest either.

    Usually, the folks in the arena events don't come into the public rinks. But, they were crawling all over the place today. The little kids, all dressed up, were watching the skaters. I am sure they'd rather be there. I felt so bad for the little kids, becuase you could just tell they didn't want to go back into the convenetion.

    There was a recreational hockey game going on, and the JWs were even in that rink watching. One JW women came out of the rink into the holding area, commenting how "brisk" and "exhilerating" it wass. I think the JWs found the skating rink to be a really fun diversion. I think about 1:30 the afternoon session must have started, as they all seemed to file out about then. But, there were a few younger couples and young folks that stayed to watch the public skating and hockey.

    Luckily, I did not know or recognize anyone. No one from my family came into the rink. Wouldn't want to see ME. LOL.


  • skeeter1

    I got a hockey game tomorrow, think in the morning. Come by and see the game, if you DARE

  • Phizzy

    Skeeter, what is it with the looking weird thing ? i have two close relatives who I have accompanied recently in public due to family problems, both are JW "sisters", on every occasion, people stared at them in disbelief !

    J.C.Krist, don't they realise how damned weird they look ?

    Jesus on one occasion simply melted in to a crowd and disappeared, why ? because he looked like any normal Jewish man.

    The JW women look like another poster said, "Amish with lipstick" , and the men just look cheap and unreal. (Amish without beards ?)

  • skeeter1

    Second weekend, this time the Spanish Congregations converged on my rink. This time, the game wasn't right at lunch break. We only had a few straggler JWs come into the recreation rinks, mainly to get coffee and such. The Spanish congregations were not as large of a group, but they seemed younger. There was a group of young men who happen to go out afterwards, to the same restaurant as our team. Some were wearing their name tags . . . . Oh, I just want to scream, but kept in in.

    I understand that the JWs will be at Germain for the next 2 weekends. Anyone stop by to see a hockey game?

  • skeeter1

    The conventions are still going on . . . . I spoke with 3 JWs this time!

    First was a couple - I guess. Black woman with white man. Middle aged. They were waiting for some grub at the hockey rink concession.

    I said, "I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness."

    Their eyes went wide.

    "I am so happy to no longer be one."

    They were speechless.

    "Your under mind control. Your religion practices the BITE model of mind control. Behavior, Information, Thought, and Emotional Control. Information control - that's like when you can't read anything critical of the Watchtower to look at the Internet. This is the real reason why you are a cult. Plus, you shun anyone who doesn't agree with you."

    They were motionless, in shock.

    "Oh, don't worry. I am not an apostate. I was never baptized. But, I don't agree with your shunning or blood policies the most.

    The woman finally said something, "That's your opinion."

    I went on in a very low, heartfelt voice, "You need to independently research the blood doctrine. Lost of misquotes, and JWs really do accpet blood, alot of it. It's life or death. You need to research it. I really hope for both of your sakes, the WAtchtower changes it shunning and blood doctrines."

    The couple went over to an older JW in a light suit who was getting his coffee. I'm sure he was an attendant. He was in the rink alot. He stayed for 10 or so minutes, as they did. I went to get my gear fixed at the rink's workshop. They finally left.

    2nd JW

    This guy knew that I was in hockey. I was watching a team play. He asked, "Who's playing out there?" I replied that it was an adult, amatuer league with no check. Well, he ended up having been a hockey player from New England - a black goalie of all things. He wanted to get back into the sport. We just talked about hockey. Then, one of my buddies came up, and we started talking about cults, scientology, and, of course, JWs. The JW had left, but had returned to hover near me. I'm sure he heard the conversation I was having with my friends. After that, I didn't speak with him again. I had to go. But, he was still hovering.


  • puffthedragon

    Wow I bet you shook them up some. Maybe you gave them something to think about for later. Im sure during the rest of the program they reflected on it some.

  • skeeter1

    New year, same thing. The assembly is, once again, upon the skating rink. I was there today for skating, having a great time with my friends and family. Noon, and the JWs crowd into the two skating rinks, one group around the skating rink with the fancy figure skaters and another group around the rink with the public/hockey skaters. The JWs who came into the rinks had a great time, watching the skaters. Some, brought their bagged lunches. I understand from a figure skating coach, they were wowing when the figure skaters did moves. The lunch bell must have been up, and the JWs reluctantly filed out. A few stayed. The best was a little girl of about 3 years old. Her grandfather took her to watch the pretty skaters. Well, she bursted out crying, "I want to skate! I want to spin!" The grandfather tried to explain that they had to go back to the ASSembly and that was the reason they came. She puckered up and went with him, all the while openly saying that she'd rather skate! Kids are honest.

    The JWs still look the same. Many with suits that could be from the 1980's, poor quality but clean. Many young women in super tight dresses with "hooker" type heels! Seriously, I never see a worldly woman with those type of heels. They must ahve been 9", with a platform! The hot, dirty sisters. And, the old bag ladies were there too, looking like I'd rather avoid "Paradise" if I had to spend it with them.

    I was good, and didn't directly approach anyone. I just commented to a skating friend who knows my past. We talked about shunning, blood, and cult; right as a few JWs were putting milk & sugar in their coffee about 1 foot away from us.

    I guess the JWs will be at the rink for a few more weekends. If any of you are at that ASSembly, stop by and I'll give you a skating lesson. And, please, let that little girl skate.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You need a Sparlock tshirt!

  • skeeter1

    In reflecting on all of this.

    Skating is a feeling akin to flying. You can glide across the ice, feel the cold wind, turn, go on deep edges; and some can spin and leap in the air in beautiful positions.

    The JWs are trapped in a high control group that demeans, demands, and confines them. So, seeing the JWs (young, old, women, men) just lining up by the rink boards, literally, gawking with mouths agape, is an awesome sight. I don't see parents doing that. I wonder if they realize how "unfree" they really are.

    Yeah, a Sparlock TShirt would be super cool. Adult Medium, please.


  • whathappened

    Next year wear a jwfacts.com t-shirt.

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