by Balaamsass 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Balaamsass

    In light of this week's US trials for Child Molestations, the above question needs to be weighed for any JW Elder. They can follow the MEN of Watchtower... or follow God by taking the moral high ground, protecting children, and following the law.

    Jerry Sandusky will spend the rest of his life as a target for jailhouse rape. He may soon be joined by others who simply decided to stay silent and not report his crimes. According to the NY Times: "two senior university officials — the athletic director and the administrator in charge of the campus police — face criminal charges that they failed to act when informed that Sandusky had assaulted a 10-year-old boy in a university shower in 2001 and then lied about that knowledge before a grand jury."

    A good question to ask Watchtower Staff and JW Elders this week is: "will you continue to follow the bad kings and sacrifice children to Molech ?"

    People are tired of doubletalk and deception, and it is only a matter of time before Elders are held to account for these crimes.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    There is culpability there, at least in some cases. Not every case can be painted with the same brushstrokes of course.

    I hope some relief can come to the victims as these cases deal with the abusers and those who turned a blind eye.

    Perhaps high profile cases like Sandusky's will help swing the light to these cult cases.


  • Iamallcool

    Balaamsass said "People are tired of doubletalk and deception, and it is only a matter of time before Elders are held to account for these crimes."

  • MidwichCuckoo

    It would be nice to see those accountable in a Criminal Court - with the Elders standing alongside the perp. They ought be tried on 'guilty knowledge'. A few token custodial sentences would certainly have an affect.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Every Elder that has been a member of a congregation with a hidden paedo should be seriously considering doing a rapid fade.

    US Catholic priest found guilty in child abuse case

  • Fernando

    A good question to ask Watchtower Staff and JW Elders this week is: "will you continue to follow the bad kings and sacrifice children to Molech ?"

    Precisely, this is the reality and bottom line, Balaamsass!

    This applies at the spiritual level too. As soon as the Watchtower ruling religious clergy class see someone is awakening spiritually, they attack, to prevent the birth of a new spiritual life or to terminate the newborn.

    Their petulance, arrogance, contempt, hostility, vilification, ostracising and venom is never more heightened than at such a time as many found out during "Franzgate 1980". They will of course always seek a cover story to avoid being exposed for what they really are - infanticidal abusers and murderers - physical and spiritual.

  • Balaamsass

    Black Sheep, I am not sure a rapid fade will be any protection. These elders need to contact the victims, and be supportive in them contacting the police right away.

  • apostatethunder

    They deserve the same sympathy they show. Elders are the ones judging people first line, they are responsible for the suffering they are causing in the lives of the victims.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I truly hope so. In the hall I went two the elders let one pedophile hold and take care of a little girl who was three years old and mentally handicapped, this child was not able to talk because of her problems. The child molester zeroed right in on her and the elders loved it because the little girl yelled out and made noise a lot during the meeting because of her handicap.

    When I finally found out he was a child molester I flipped out big time, then I found there is a law in my city and that I could have called the police and actually filled charges but I flipped out first and the elders stopped it. In hindsight I wish I had let it go on for another week as it had been going on for well over nine months anyway what would one more week have meant if I could have gotten the elders in trouble with the law.

    If I had waited I could have done some damage, not much just got the elders fined but still it would have been something, I was just very new to it all and the meeting I flipped out at the child molester took it up a notch with how he was hold the child and I lost it.

    At least he never held her again but I was threatened with being DF'ed because I flipped out.


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