The Conti verdict. Will there be a statement read at the Kingdom Hall?

by hubert 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    I see that the Watchtower made an official statement on their web site.

    Will they make an official statement at Kingdom Halls to the R&F to downplay the verdict?


  • Iamallcool
  • Iamallcool

    maybe in fremont

  • jws

    Haven't been to a KH for years, but when I did go, I've NEVER known them to ever mention anything specifically. I'd imagine they haven't changed that much. Mentioning it lets people who don't know about it already know about it.

    They will talk about it, but it will be disquised in a pro-JW, remain-faithful, Satan-is-out-to-get-us, end-is-near talk. Those paying attention and familiar with what is happening may pick up on what they're trying to say, but for most people, it'll be just another mind-numbing, confusing talk about something where they seem to have walked in on a conversation and don't know what is being talked about.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Will there be a statement read at the Kingdom Hall?

    One thing is for certain, if there is a statement read, it will come via BOE Letter. And we'll have our own personal copy thanks to Atlantis, cause he's already on the lookout!

  • WTWizard

    If they shut up about it, maybe the witlesses will keep on going to the boasting sessions and donating. If not, they might start skipping donating. Better yet, they might skip the boasting sessions altogether.

  • 00DAD

    I bet they'll do the something like the NBC Dateline news exposes when the story first broke a decade or so ago. We were all told to NOT watch any news reports, they were all media lies.

    Hmmm, ...

  • flipper

    No. The WT society never has, never will admit to a fault, especially when it involves criminal cover ups. Unless rank & file Witnesses see the news on the Internet or newspaper or T.V. the closest JW's will get to finding out about the Candace Conti case is if WE ( ex-Witnesses ) go around to Kingdom Halls and leave printed News reports of the child abuse verdict under their car windshields . I started doing that this week. Left about 10 of them under windshields at 3 different congregations in 2 different counties I work in. WT leaders are too arrogant or full of themselves to announce it in their holy " Kingdom halls " . Peace out, MR. Flipper

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