It is the Good News THEY preach now, not of the Bible. Are you as sick of it as I am? New title for Watchtower magazine.

by Wasanelder Once 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I am so sick of this pretend religion that has now come to the point of showing its true colors. The colors are white and blue. This picture captures the true purpose of the Watchtower these days. Does it inspire you to say something to someone about the BS it represents? I am becoming more bold. I am a fader but am so tired of this. Might push me over the edge to DA. Does it irritate you or is it just more of the same? I have people trapped in this crap.

  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

    Compare the Good News taught by the Apostles and that by JWs by reading Galatians chapter 1:

    "I was not called to be a missionary by any group or agency. My call is from Jesus Christ himself and from God the Father who raised him from the dead.May peace and blessing be yours from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins just as God our Father planned, and rescued us from this evil world in which we live. All glory to God through all the ages of eternity. Amen.

    I am amazed that you are turning away so soon from God who, in his love and mercy, invited you to share the eternal life he gives through Christ; you are already following a different “way to heaven,” which really doesn’t go to heaven at all. For there is no other way than the one we showed you; you are being fooled by those who twist and change the truth concerning Christ.

    Let God’s curses fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other way to be saved than the one we told you about; yes, if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message(Good News), let him be forever cursed. I will say it again: if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God’s curse fall upon him.

    10 You can see that I am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please men I could not be Christ’s servant.

    11 Dear friends, I solemnly swear that the way to heaven that I preach is not based on some mere human whim or dream. 12 For my message comes from no less a person than Jesus Christ himself, who told me what to say. No one else has taught me."

    AnswerThe word gospel means “good news,” so the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe (Colossians 1:14;Romans 10:9). Since the beginning of time when the first man sinned, mankind has been under the condemnation of God (Romans 5:12). Because everyone breaks God’s perfect law by committing sin (Romans 3:23), everyone is guilty (Romans 5:18). The punishment for the crime of sin is physical death (Romans 6:23) and then an eternity spent in a place of eternal punishment (Revelation 20:15Matthew 25:46). This eternal separation from God is also called the “second death” (Revelation 20:14–15).

    The fact that all are guilty of sin and condemned to spend eternity in a place of torment is very bad news. But God, because of His love for the world, has made a way for man to be forgiven for their sins (John 3:16). He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the sins of man on Himself through death on a cross (1 Peter 2:24). In placing our sin on Christ, God ensured that all who will believe in the name of Jesus will be forgiven (Acts 10:43).

    This is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that God provided the way for man to be freed from the penalty of sin (John 14:6Romans 6:23). But not all people will be saved from hell; only those who place their faith in Jesus will go to heaven when they die (Acts 4:12).

    For the free gift of eternal salvation is now being offered to everyone; and along with this gift comes the realization that God wants us to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures and to live good, God-fearing lives day after day,

    Titus 2:11-12 TLB

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hardly more than a year ago and WT was condemning the Interwebs as nothing but apostates and porn. It was "worldly" to waste money on tech gadgets. The Bible and hardcopy publications were to be used, marked up, and littered with sticky notes as proof that someone was spirichul.

    Now my parents heads are swimming trying to figure out their iWhatsThis and figure out why they're watching TV at the hall. I guess there's new songs that have to be printed out from the website. Suddenly, the shrinking publications are disappearing all together.

    At the rate they're going, many of the prophecies in Revelation will have to be updated to fulfillment with their JW website instead of assemblies at Cedar Point led by Judge Boozerford almost a century ago. Of course, a new "Grand Climax..." book won't be printed. Everyone will have to print out the changes from their website or just use the online copy that is updated daily with new (and ever-changing) light!

  • Blackfalcon98

    Very good point Billy.

    Wasanelder once, doesn't this cover look like the one which announced: Millions now Living Will never die? Is it just me? Good photo work by the way! 

  • jhine

    As a neveraJW I can feel free to speak my mind . I try to not be rude but can be honest . If you have people close to you still in that is difficult isn't it ? You have to way up if you can stay in and keep quiet without going insane or is it worth risking losing people from your life ? That is stating the obvious , but is is the decision that you have to make . 


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "Millions now Living Will Never Log On"


    The WT is becoming more superficial everyday. Telling people to go to a website now constitutes a ministry, and JWs can sleep soundly knowing they did their Christian duty and saved lives by faithfully wearing their "JW Org" pin while they sipped a double Latte at Starbucks on a Saturday morning.

  • coalize
    "Millions now Living Will Never Log On"

    Excellent!!!! :D

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "The WT is becoming more superficial everyday. Telling people to go to a website now constitutes a ministry, and JWs can sleep soundly knowing they did their Christian duty and saved lives by faithfully wearing their 'JW Org' pin while they sipped a double Latte at Starbucks on a Saturday morning"

    They're definately making it easier for the hard-core loyalists to stay (whilst practically begging anyone with critical thinking skills to f**k off), that's for damn sure.

  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

    Instead of getting ripped off by Nigerian Princes the Elderly are susceptible to the Wallkill and Fish-kill Pyramid-schemes!  When did the Jehovah send his angel to put the coals on the Internet's lips like he did with the old Testament Prophet who felt unclean what he saw in Heaven.  The  Watchtower tells Jehovah what do do these days, and yes Billy they are going to have to update that Revelation book (How many times did we study that piece of crap?, Four) because the public would not take the Factory's stock pile of Red books?  

    When is the Watchtower going to say something like Oral Roberts "God is going to call the Governing Body home unless you donate $100,000,000 to fight off Victims Lawsuits! 

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