JW's look who you are linked to!

by Giordano 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Giordano

    To the WTBTS and Jehovah's Witnesse's everywhere you are now being linked to some of the worst child abuse cases because of your policies:

    The landmark trial of Philadelphia Archdiocese Monsignor William Lynn and the Rev. James Brennan.


    "The details that have emerged throughout the trial are as shocking as they are plentiful. Numerous victims have testified throughout the trial to a horrifying litany of sexual crimes against children and teens. In addition, previously unseen reports and other documents kept secret by the Archdiocese have been presented, all adding up to a pattern of subterfuge. Thus, regardless of what the jury decides, that material is now a matter of public record, as is the fact that the Church knew what was happening and chose to protect its own image as well as the priests who were nothing more than serial rapists. At the same time, the church–either under Lynn’s auspices or, as he alleges, under the direction of the late Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua–ignored the young victims, or, as was the case at points during the trial, demonized them."


    "Meanwhile, closing arguments are under way Thursday in the Jerry Sandusky sex-crimes trial, in which Penn State higher-ups allegedly knew of Sandusky's alleged predilections for abusing children but did nothing to stop him.

    It also follows on the heels of last week's astounding $28 million jury verdict in favor of an Oakland, Calif., woman who was sexually molested as a child by a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses, whose national policy was to keep sex-abuse allegations secret.

    And it's come in the recent wake of an explosive New York Times story alleging hushed-up sex abuse at the Horace Mann School in the Bronx.

    In all four cases, institutional loyalty blinded those in charge from doing the right thing..........

    As a result, children were treated like sex toys, and mothers and fathers were deprived of their right to the most important job parents have, which is to keep their kids safe."

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