when the truth cannot speak truth (read this Brooklyn and lurkers)

by Aussie Oz 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The whole court victory of Candace brings into sharp focus the fundamental flaw with the Jehovah's witnesses, and one that all JWs need to think on because it has absolutely nothing to do with 'apostate' teachings, their cherished doctrines or persecution.

    When the truth can no longer speak the truth, it has become the lie.

    It should be obvious (but will not be) to all JWs that the Watchtower society, its leaders and any other entity related to it, are not able to morally defend their position. Being unwilling to own up and publicly admit the policies on abuse perpertrators has been deliberatly flawed, that they have failed the children and families demonstrates they can no longer speak truth.

    That they cannot apologise says they cannot speak truth, that they would appeal a court of law for chastising them by awarding such a payout says they cannot speak truth.

    That the Governing Body hide behind a legal corporation and its legal department says they cannot speak truth, for the truth IS out. The truth is that their 'signed' policy letters to elders detailing instructions on how to comply with laws while not really complying, on how to destroy documents and how to draw up new lists after removing names are now in the public domain like it or not. The truth IS out that they move pedophiles around, the truth IS out that they silence victims. Keeping silent, pretending to have done the right things is not speaking truth. The congregations should have no need to keep things from the law, no need to protest or slow down search warrants, they should be the shining example of co-operation but are in fact, the opposite.

    The truth IS out that they have for decades done wrong and no amount of putting it down to 'an imperfect organization or men' can cover that fact. They need to, but are unable to, publicly repent and tell the world that they have been as sinful as the catholic church that they have long cast stones at. They need to put right the wrongs. That they will not says they can not speak truth any longer, and have not for decades.They had a chance to clean house in the days of GB mark 1, when Chitty and Greenlees 'resigned'. These men's sins or actions were no secret to the Governing Body and nothing proper was done or said. The Watchtower Society kept silent, moved these men around rather than being bold by publicly dealing with them and letting the world know, that the Jehovah's witnesses were diferent to all the other religions in deed and in word. Instead they chose to say nothing and live a lie. The chance passed and was lost. Now it is up to 'ceasar' to bring forth the Watchtowers rotten fruitage for the world to see.

    The oft referenced scripture of how there is ''nothing hidden that will not be revealed'' can and does apply to them.

    The 'truth' is the 'lie'. IF their is a God, the WT cannot be his people. I was taught that 'god' had a clean organization. The Jehovah's Witnesses world wide should hang their heads in shame and demand an accounting from the seven old men at the helm. Gods organization may need a legal department to gain the right to preach, but certainly should not need one to keep dirt secret. But what else can be expected from an organization who's 'first' president was a fraudster with dubious contact with a minor and who's second lived like a true cult leader complete with indescresions involving young women? When an organzation is rotten, it's from the top down, not the bottom up.

    Watchtower society, YOU are a dirty disgusting entity, a slur on humanity. You are incapable of truth, YOU ARE THE LIE.

    Your doctrines, teachings, ideals are irrelevant now. It is a waste of time and resources try to 'prove' you have the 'truth' to people. Actions speak louder than words they say, and you will reap the whirlwind of disbelief. The world derides the Catholic Church for its clergy scandles, and you are going to join them in the publics mind.

    good luck boys...you are gunna need it. (oh, i forgot, you don't believe in luck) Don't waste your time waiting for Jehovah either i say, you know better than anyone that he aint there...and if he was, he walked away from you a long long time ago.


  • 3Mozzies

    Bravo Oz, excellent post!!!

    3M :)

  • cedars

    you will reap the whirlwind of disbelief.

    Very true. The tide is turning. You cannot defend the indefensible.


  • Listener

    The issues go so far beyond that of a legal situation and must be addressed by the Governing Body. They have no choice because they have reported and commented on molestation within the Catholic Church in their very own magazines. They have to be public about this otherwise they are knowingly setting themselves up to be shown as hypocrites.

    It doesn't even matter whether they feel they were wronged in the outcome of this case because now they are down on public record, worldwide, but also have been judged through a legal court. That judgement declared them as being malicious, not simply in error.

    With thousands of people having read about this case they have to defend themselves, if they can. They are using God's name, they declare God is directing him by his Holy spirit, they say their appointments are done by God's Holy Spirit. Unfortunately for them when information is printed in the media Jehovah's name is declared and they must defend the use of it.

    The congregations and elders have acted on direct instructions from the organization and there is no-one else they can blame and they can't hide.

    I can only hope that they begin to see that they need to always act with love and demonstrate the true qualities of God and Jesus and uphold this as their priority. There is much work for them to do and such little time.

  • outsmartthesystem

    The only problem is that those that are already knee deep can't see this truth. They will defend their organization and say that such a policy (two witness rule that protected pedophiles) did not exist. Any proof you show them will be rejected because 1) the 1989 letter to the elders was gotten from the internet.....therefore it is not authentic.....therefore it is fabricated 2) even if it was real....a REAL witness wouldn't look at it anyway......because it was for the eyes of the elders......NOT the rank and file.

    And if their backs are against the wall.....they'll say "I don't believe these people were abused. I think they are just angry former witnesses with an agenda against God's people".

    I've heard it already

  • JakeM2012

    Aussie Oz,

    "Don't sugar coat it like that Kid, tell her straight". (Butch Cassidy)

  • wasblind

    " Now it's up to Caesar to bring forth the WatchTowers rotten fruitage for the world to see"

    Let's see what the WTS say about Caesars law

    "Government maintain a measure of order. They rightly require citizens to be honest, to pay taxes, and to uphold the law. "

    " Jesus had been raised by parents who obeyed the law even when doing so was inconvenient."________July 1, 2010 WT public edition, page 23

    Why did the WTS break the law by not reporting perverts in the cong ????? because it was " INCONVENIENT "


  • wasblind

    These quotes I post, are not from my own initiative, but from the WTS ( John 5:30 )

  • justmom

    This molestation case is one of thousands that exists within this organization that the WTBS has hidden over for YEARS!

    They Governing body are PERFECTLY described of at John 10: 12,13.................."They are the HIRED MAN that doesn't REALLY care about the sheep to begin with. They as a whole never have. They and especially in the last 20 or 30 years have abandoned the sheep to the WOLVES in sheeps covering (the ELDERS) who treat the sheep abusively, (obvious to see it now with sexual abuse) on top of other abusives and lording over.

    As s result it causes the poor sheep to be "skinned and thrown about" therefore they scatter. The GOVERNING BODY, the WTBS and many many elders as a whole don't love the sheep like our master did. They never have. They don't belong to man really, but man (the org) have tried with success to control them with great fear and judgement and conscience issues. It always works!!! Thats religion for YA!

    This is why John 10 continues with the invitation that our Lord says His sheep wouls know his voice, come out and follow HIM! 10: 26-28

    Free yourself before more innocent victims are wounded and scarred for life.

    With love to you all and I can feel your pain

    Justmom (kim)

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

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