Marylin Manson

by SoulJah 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • SoulJah

    What religion did his parents raise him in?
    In interveiws he is very critical of his religious upbringing but, I don't beleive he has ever stated the particular religion.
    Just wondering.

  • sf


    Sprawled on a sofa in the pits of the dungeon-like dressing rooms of D.C.'s illustrious newly opened Capitol Ballroom, shock-rocker Marilyn Manson crosses his legs in a pair of ripped-up black stockings covered by a politically-incorrect rabbit fur coat. A firm believer in "Survival of the Fittest", this was one group of bunnies that didn't quite make it. During the course of the show, Mr. Manson managed to slash himself across the stomach with a shard from a broken beer bottle. His on-stage antics in the well-established tradition of shock-rockers of the past, & so the question remains: where can Marilyn Manson go from here? What can he do to shock his audience any further?

    Why was Sara Lee Lucas replaced?
    He wasn't really growing up with the band, musically, & he really couldn't keep up with our lifestyle, so we just needed somebody stronger - better drummer.

    Where did Ginger Fish come from?
    Las Vegas. He played in a lot of Las Vegas bands. He auditioned for us & we liked what he could do, so he got the job right away.

    Who is he named for?
    Ginger Rogers, a dancer, & Albert Fish, an old man who murdered & ate children.

    What is your favourite track on the new album?
    I guess my favourite one would be "Sweet Dreams". I've always liked that song, I like doing that, I haven't gotten sick of it. I always thought that the lyrics were very strong & dark & I wasn't sure if people had seen it the way I saw it so I wanted to redo it & let people get to experience it the way that I did.

    What are your thoughts on evolution?
    Well, I don't have any specific theories about the origin of Man, but I tend to believe in Social Darwinism, so I believe in the evolution of society. I guess I believe, to a certain degree, the Darwin Theory. But at the same time, I'm open to the idea of a lot of different things. I'm not, however, open to the idea of Genesis & Creationism. It doesn't work for me.

    Even the aliens had to come from somewhere... Do you believe in the existence of Satan as an entity?
    I think Satan is a word that you can use to describe your animalistic side if, as a whole, everyone's animalistic nature - I guess Satan exists in that sense - that part of everyone's personality. I don't believe in it as a "being". It is a word which represents rebellion, represents Man, represents a defiance towards society & God & the things that are forced upon us & are considered to be normal & acceptable.

    What impression do you want to make on America's youth?
    If I could just get them to want an answer, then they'll find it on their own - I don't have an answer for them. There's a distinct lack of leadership, idols, icons & superstars for kids to identify with. When I was a kid there were a lot of people that as an escape, I could look to or look up to & it just seems like there's not that anymore. America needs that Anti-Christ figure, that Anti-Hero to save these kids from the oppression of Right Wing morality.

    Who were your heroes as a child?
    Jim Morrison, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Willie Wonka, Anton LaVey...

    At what age do you think a person becomes sexually responsible?
    I couldn't generalise - I think different people mature at different rates. I think a lot of people grow up really quickly.

    Puberty is probably the key. But some people may never grow into it.

    By the way - is that real fur or fake fur that you're wearing?
    It's real rabbit fur.

    So you're not an "Animal Rights" advocate?
    No. I think a lot of people have their "Good Guy" badges & that they attach themselves to different groups, because they feel they might have some sort of lack in their lives, they feel like they need to do something positive, & a lot of times they don't even really believe in their causes, so you get people complaining about leather coats & fur jackets & abortions & cigarette smoke & drugs & alcohol & pornography & whatever it might be, but they forget that that's what America is founded on - the blood of people & animals & drugs & caffeine & sugar - not about Nutrasweet & everything else everyone's trying to pump us full of nowadays. It's a little too late to take it all back, sorry.

    Would you like to have a family of your own someday?
    I like the idea - I don't know if it's something that could come true or work out possibly - I don't know if I would want to bring a kid into the world, but I would like to have the opportunity to be a father.

    If you had children, would you want them to follow your values, or would you expect them to rebel against you?
    I would give them the opportunity to develop their own, so that they wouldn't have to rebel. I wouldn't force anything upon them - I think they would naturally follow the way of thinking that I abide by, because I seem to go with what's natural & what's human - I don't resist my human emotions, I don't feel guilty for feeling lust & greed & hatred. I respect those that respect themselves & I believe in Survival of the Fittest & I think that it's basic human instinct.

    What would one do to rebel against you?
    To rebel against me... well I don't think that my way of thinking is a standard that you could rebel against, so I don't know if that's possible. I haven't established a dogma or a standard that people have to obey, so they really can't rebel against it unless they're rebelling against themselves.

    What was your most vivid arrest?
    The first one... Jacksonville, Florida. When I was taken away right after I walked off stage & I was strip searched & left in jail for 16 hours to be harassed.

    If there is a God, does He love Marilyn Manson?
    I believe that I am my own God, so I am a Narcissist, so yeah - I love myself.

    But what I meant by the question was, if there is a God in the other sense, in the sense that you don't believe in...
    If there was Christian's God? He has no love for me.

    You don't think so?
    If God existed in the way that Christianity wanted it to - no. He would have no love for me because I represent everything that He would teach NOT to be. Not by choice, not by me saying "I want to be 'bad' & I want to be 'wrong'" - just by me being myself & having different morality. My good & evil is different from their good & evil.

    But don't you think parents love their children all the same - both the good ones & the bad ones?
    It's hard to say - the Bible as a book sends out a lot of mixed messages - you know, you've got a cruel, angry God & you've got a loving God, so they can't really make up their minds, so when they get their story straight, I'll read it again. Maybe their God loves me... I don't know...

    No, I didn't actually interview Marilyn Manson myself. This interview was actually penned by our good friends at ANALRETENTIVE, so you can shower your praise upon them if you're feeling that way inclined!

  • sf

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