Unscriptural Divorce the cause of Jehovah's Witness Suicide

by BlindersOff1 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • BlindersOff1
  • Kojack57

    That's a shame!!! Shows you how belonging to this CULT effects some people for the worse.


  • DilemmaGF

    "For someone to commit suicide takes more than just the wife leaving him, there is more to this, most likely a history of depression etc. However this is not a JW belief only, is clearly stated in the bible that the only reason for a divorce is adultery. If his wife left and per say she was a witness by him killing himself it wouldn't make any diference for God, she left she commited a sin period. Is all left for her and God to fix this, not him. I went trough a similar situation, no religion of any sort involved. I had a fight with my boyfriend, I told him I was leaving him, I went out to visit my friend and he killed himself, it destroyed me I even felt guilty for a long period of time, he just wrote in the letter he couldnt live without me. I believe this man killed him self looking for an excuse of either make her feel guilty or in his pain he had to find a reason to do it for "love". He was a victim of his own pain and unability of deal with it."

    Comment by one of the commenters in the thread named him/herself "Seriously". Sounds like a typical WTSers to me.

  • BlindersOff1

    Anyone out there trapped in a unscriptural divorce by their witness mate.Unable to get remarried or you will be shunned.

  • BlindersOff1
  • mamalove

    Are you an active JW blinders?

  • BlindersOff1

    mamalove you have a pm

  • mamalove

    PMd ya back Blinders. You have options my friend!

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