How I am like so many soldiers and gays...and you prob are too..."not that there is anything wrong with that"

by oompa 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I have been in quite a bit of therapy and was once on 6 psych meds at one time! off them too...but i took two psychiatric tests by two docs and they both diagnosed me with we think of with soldiers who have been traumatize and have trouble dealing with it....and there are certain triggers they may have to avoid...and yep my jw triggers are still right in my face everyday...

    and if you don't think there is a reason many gays "stay in the closet" it is because they have sooooo much to lose by "coming out" sometimes....(just like us)...friends, family, jobs, prestiege, others respect....and not only that but they are part of the few that really "get it"............oompa

  • Soldier77

    PTSD is something that can affect anyone, soldier, gay, or whatever. When I was a firefighter, any huge event, fire, accident, anything that was out of the "norm" of emergency medicine they would call all of us in and sit us down with a counsellor.

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can definitely affect us that have faded, left, whether on our own or df'd/da'd. Therapy with a qualified counsellor is highly recommended upon exit.

    You're right oompa, we are definitely affected... no matter how long we've been gone too. Hang in there my friend!

  • Scully

    There's nothing that can destroy your soul more effectively than meanness of spirit / being inflicted with emotional pain by someone else for 'sport'. Make no mistake, the way JWs bully other JWs to climb to the top of the dogpile IS "sport" for them. There's a competitive spirit, a desire to be better than others, and a very creepy intrusiveness to find out what others' weaknesses are. They may pretend to be your friend as long as it is convenient for them and serves their interests, but once they are ready to move on, whatever intel they have about your shortcomings can be exposed without a second thought, as long as they can benefit from it.

    I believe lots of us former JWs have PTSD to some degree. It doesn't take much to trigger a terrible memory of our time within the JWs. I'd probably have committed suicide a long time ago if I hadn't left.

  • oompa

    these first two replies made my day...thanks so much guys...yep you really get it...........oomps

  • designs

    Had dinner with a dear xjw friend last night and this was the topic, we were both taken in our teens, stolen youth Damn!

  • oompa

    interesting we have a known bully running for president and i think you do know where your head is at when you are 18 on many social levels...and i looked up bullying on wiki and yep in the first paragraph it mentions it can be of a religious nature...mormons do shun too btw i saw a great documentary on pbs i think about two years ago that featured a mormon professor who was dfd after her elder tribunal...she described it in detail and the entire show reminded me of jw...she described theer shunning and how it carries forward into the next life even!!

    at least dubs can only shun you to death!...not afterwards lol.............oompa

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I'm sorry to hear of your struggle; this cult creates massive slow healing wounds that leave scars, so although some may get past their ordeal quicker than others, we all are permanently affected by the battle.

    I have an eating disorder and, like you, my triggers are shoved in my face everyday. I'm still in at the moment but know that this cult is the root of my disorder; my mom or sister talking about jaybooger or the borg, meetings, assemblies, service, pretty much anything WT/JW and the pressures that go along with trying to remain "active" are all triggers, so how am I supposed to heal when my abuser is still breathing down my neck?

    I hope you can overcome, or at the very least be able to manage your present in light of, your past.

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