TV Report on JW in German

by inbetween 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • inbetween

    For those who understand German:

    The German TV-channel Pro7 broadcasted a program on Wintesses last week, you can watch it still here:

    The report must have been partly made with approval of Bethel in Selters, since they filmed there and interviewed brothers as well.

    The report seemed largely fair and correct.

    However, they interviewed a brother from bethel, Wolfram Slupina, which i beleive is the official Bethel speaker for media and press.

    What he said, was quite disturbing. The report tells about the magazines, being published without the name of the writers. Being asked, why this is the case, the Bethel speaker answered, that this is done on purpose, because the author is Jehovah himself through inspiration !!

    What ? Either he said some nonsense, mind you, he is not just some brother, he is an official from Bethel !, or it is the new viewpoint of the Org, they pride themselves now as being inspired. Before they always used to say, the mags are not inspired and can be wrong too....

    the second disturbance was, when at the end of the report, he was asked about disfellowshipping. His reply was, that contact to dfd persons is broken on religious level. A typical example of double talk, we all know, that no witness is even allowed to say a simple hello to a dfd person (except relatives with necessary family business) What a bunch of deceivers and lyers...

    Anybody seen this programm too ??

  • AnnOMaly

    Verdammt! Won't play outside of the German speaking countries. Rights restricted. It doesn't stop them playing the commercials, though. Any other links? Transcript?

  • Gayle
  • wasblind

    " True prophets speak in the name of God

    If any individual or organization claim to represent God, but decline to use God's personal name, and make it a practice to express their own opinion on matters, are they measuring up to this important qualification of a true prophet ? "_______Reasoning from the scriptures page 133

    The WTS taught :

    " Some who saw the events of 1914 will also see the complete destruction of the present wicked system" _____Reasoning from the scriptures page 200

    In the Reasoning book JW's claim to meet the qualifications of a true prophet, and what they teach is not from their own opinion

    Does Hananiah ring a bell ?

  • zeb


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