Active JW's please respond.

by Resistance is Futile 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    I have a fairly simple request. I need to know if the Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures is still available for ordering from the Society.

    I was recently talking to a JW relative and he claimed it was out of print and not available for ordering. I'd like to find out if he was lying to me or not. Would anyone still attending meetings be willing to attempt to order one? I know I can download it online from "apostate" websites, but need to confirm if active JW's have access to the KIT.

  • EmptyInside

    I'll ask for you. I'm seeing a Witness relative tomorrow,he handles the literature,maybe just the magazines. If he doesn't know,I'll have him check for me and get back to you.

    But,I wouldn't be surprised if it is no longer available,they have really cut back on the literature.

  • Soldier77

    I use to be the literature servent without the title of MS (was recommended but was denied hence my fade - another story in itself) but no, it was not on the order forms. This was 3 years ago...

  • InterestedOne

    When I was a study with a MS a year-and-a-half ago, one of my first questions was if he could order the KIT. I recall him saying he would order one, and he showed up at our studies with it. It looked brand new, so he might have actually ordered it. Nevertheless, he could possibly have just borrowed it. I didn't think to press the matter.

  • Iamallcool


    Re: KIT availability posted 8 months ago (10/3/2011)


    Post 5685 of 6305
    Since 5/17/2005

    Yes you can order it at the Kingdom Hall, if you are a JW "in good standing".

    You'll get the 1985 version, not the 1969 version. The '69 version is out of print. If you want the '69 version you'll need to get it used from somewhere else.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Thanks for the responses, looks like there's conflicting info on it's availability. Hopefully more people will chime in.

    How do special orders work, are there books not kept on the stock list that can be requested? Why keep them secret?

  • sir82

    I just checked, the '85 KIT is definitely still available for order.

    How do special orders work, are there books not kept on the stock list that can be requested? Why keep them secret?

    "Special order" books are not kept in stock because there typically isn't a high demand for them. They aren't used in field service, and don't get worn out or outdated like magazines. It's cheaper for the WTS to only print as many as are requested, rather than printing a bunch and having them sit in warehouses or in Kingdom Halls.

    It's not "secret", any JW in good standing can go to the literature counter and request it.

    That said, the WTS doesn't go out of its way to "advertise" the KIT's availablility. I haven't seen in mentioned in any literature for years, maybe decades.

    A studious JW would quickly notice many discrepancies between the original Greek text and the NWT translation - not the least of which are the 237 substitutions of "Jehovah" for "Lord" in the Greek text.

  • Soldier77

    Ahh ok, never had anyone make a special request for one so never put in a special order. Although I do know it wasn't on the standard forms.

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