Graduations (Witnesses)

by EmptyInside 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • EmptyInside

    I know a couple young Witnesses graduating. One,especially I watched grow up,and thought I'd send a card. I was invited to the party too,but less association with Witnesses the better.

    I just wish there was something I could write in the card to wake-up the younger generation. I know one of them might go to a technical school like his brother. But,the other one may consider pioneering. I'm not sure,I just would like to tell them all,go to college and/or do something you would really enjoy.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Yeah I know what you mean.

    There's a kid here who's graduating and the party for him is this week. I really like the family but don't want to go because, well, it's a witless function so you know it's gonna be hella-boring and I have better things to do.


    I too would like to send (I'd never be stupid enough to hand it off) him something that will hopefully start an awakening; he's planning on pious-sneering and it's such a shame because he's really smart and has a load of potential. I'd love to write a note that says it's okay to have dreams, it's perfectly okay to want something more than just miserably pious-sneering and wasting your life, a good job, money and happiness are not evil and love should never be conditional, so if you look around at all your "friends" and think they'll desert you if you pursue anything but full time circus, RUN!

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