This proves it is true!

by ChuckD 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ChuckD

    I just read this on, and though it interesting;
    Reader Joe Ridgel sends me this hypothetical exchange, which I'd not seen before, between one (C) who argues that the accounts in the Bible prove Christian claims to be true, and another (D) who disputes that premise.

    D: Was there a road named Route 66?
    C: Yes.

    D: Was there an event called the "Great Depression"?

    C: Yes.

    D: You agree that during this time there was also an event called the "Dust Bowl"?

    C: Of course.

    D: Do you agree that it is an historical fact that during this time thousands of poor farmers from Oklahoma and Arkansas headed west to California, the so-called "Okies" and "Arkies"?

    C: Sure.

    D: Then, using your logic, have I just proved that "The Grapes of Wrath" is not a fictional novel with an historical setting, but an historical, documentary, account of the travels of the Joad family during the aforementioned events?

    C: Well,

  • mommy

    LOL Chuck
    Thanks for posting this. Btw I loved Grapes of wrath, such a tragic, yet wonderful movie.

  • cellomould


    Impeccable logic!


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • willy_think

    D: Was there a road named Route 66?
    C: Yes, but i've never seen it.

    D: Was there an event called the "Great Depression"?

    C: Yes, yes but that was befor my time.

    D: You agree that during this time there was also an event called the "Dust Bowl"?

    C: Of course, i was told all about it.

    D: Do you agree that it is an historical fact that during this time thousands of poor farmers from Oklahoma and Arkansas headed west to California, the so-called "Okies" and "Arkies"?

    C: Sure, i do i went to school.

    D: Then, using your logic, have I just proved that "The Grapes of Wrath" is not a fictional novel with an historical setting, but an historical, documentary, account of the travels of the Joad family during the aforementioned events?

    C: NO the people who told me the answers to the first 4 questions told me "the Grapes of Wrath" was fictional. For ALL the answers to these questions I was forced to rely on the an authority other then myself. Logic did not teach me about "route 66,"the "Great Depression," or the "Dust Bowl." There is a claim that I proven something about a book but I didn't and don't recognize your authority to tell me what "my logic" is.
    "Is the Bible inspired?"
    Yes, says the Catholic Church, many recognize there authority and agree.
    No, say others many recognize there authority and agree.

    The Great and Powerful Oz:

    pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
  • willy_think
  • Adonai438

    I would wonder then if the Grapes of Wrath also:
    Prophesies the future with not a single mistake yet over thousands of years;
    *If it includes historical accounts of real people proven accurate through historical and archeological findings;
    *If it includes scientific, archeological and historical statements the author could not have independantly known apart from inspiration from a all knowing source, God;
    *If it claimed to be a historical non-fiction work;
    *If it claimed inspiration from God;
    *Has the same God active in and changing peoples lives still today after being written thousands of years ago.
    Then it does not enter even close to the same league as the Bible.
    Food for thought

  • SixofNine

    Food for thought ?

    more like, Fast food for thought

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