Should laws originate from God or the governing body?

by matt2414 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • matt2414

    The Aug. 15, 2012, study edition of The Watchtower (page 13, par. 8) says:

    "8 How can you know whether you truly love God’s laws? Examine the way you react when you receive counsel about what you feel is a personal preference—for example, on the matter of dress and grooming. Before becoming a Kingdom citizen, you may have preferred
    to dress sloppily or provocatively. As your love for God grew, you learned to dress in a way that honors him. (1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 Pet. 3:3, 4)"

    When did dress and grooming become a law? The two Bible texts cited aren't laws. Paul expressed his desire or wish on how women should dress -- not a law -- and Peter says that women should focus not just on their outward appearance, but they should also give attention to their inner selves -- again, not a law. Why would the so-called "faithful slave" twist these texts to make them appear as laws? After combing the scriptures (in Acts 15), didn't the first century older men only find a few requirements that were necessary for Christians?

    For that matter, when did "slaves" start giving barking orders in the Master's house? Shouldn't they be focusing on feeding Christ's belongings spritual food until his return, instead of making up imaginary "laws"? (Matt 24:45, 46)

  • cofty

    matt - The Governing Body is God. This is all you need to know to be a modern JW.

  • 00DAD

    ... you may have preferred to dress sloppily or provocatively.

    I love they way the GB judges clothing styles with such sweeping generalizations.

    Possibly some people actually deliberately choose to dress in a sloppy or provocative way. But the reality is that this is a subjective value judgment that the GB makes and then makes this statement as if what they state is an objective truth .

    Like Cofty said, "The Governing Body is God. This is all you need to know to be a modern JW."

    Thinking minds need not apply.

  • Finkelstein

    Being that the GB are the controlling headship of god's only solemn earthly organization (WTS) we have the power to even create

    new unbiblical laws like public disfellowshipping. The power of god in are hands is are to keep and exploit to are own self supporting means.

    Even if you tried to argue about having this power we will DF you and demonise so much your own family wont even talk to you, so there.

  • Fernando

    Hey matt2414!

    For that matter, when did "slaves" start giving barking orders in the Master's house?

    Well expressed methinks! One imagines this is something one would expect from the evil slave/s spoken of in the parable.

    How arrogant also for a human to think s/he can locate another's spiritual heart, circumcise it with the knife known as the Holy Spirit, and then put God's law into it?!

    It seems to me Jesus roundly condemned externalistic attempts at transformation and human improvement in Matt 23:

    whitewashing graves, cleaning the outside of the cup, gnat straining, and camel gulping all of which he seemed to think leads to Gehenna (eternal death) as in verse 15.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So when sisters where a business pant suit, it's sloppily or provocatively. Or brothers with a goatie. Interesting. Has someone pointed out that Brother so and so, although he has a limited income, that mustard yellow suit made out of polyester he wears is much more dignified than a Woman wearing a pantsuit

  • Finkelstein

    JWs are shaped and mentally indoctrinated to be sales Representatives for the Watchtower Publishing house,

    similar in style to a non-religious commercial organization.

    You must remember that this organization was started in a country where they could self identify themselves as

    god's only chosen organization, being this was so, they took this to their own advantage to establish and create their own power source.

    So the organization took it upon themselves to create their own laws to structure their own support, public disfellowshipping is just one of them.

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