Jehovah's Witnesses are LITERALLY stupid about FIGURATIVE speech

by wasblind 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    According to the NWT Bible under " Bible topics for discussion" 1984 editon, it states:

    9. Cross A. Christians must ( figuratively ) bear stake as reproach ( shameful thing)

    B. ( Literally ) Displaying Jesus stake a reproach ( Shameful thing )

    QUESTION: Why would Jesus tell his followers to figuratively pick up something that the WTS claims is literally detestable to the father??????

    QUESTION: Would'nt this be disrespectful to the Father ?????

    QUESTION: Would any of you tell your children to act like a criminal in a figurative sense, Just don't be one literally ??????

    Jus' askin"

    QUESTION: Anything that's literally detestable , is also destestable in figurative speech, is it not ?????

    The WTS can't seem to grasp that figurative speech refers to a literal thing.


    " A dog returning to his vomit"

    QUESTION: Why would Paul boast about a thing that the WTS says is destestable ????? ( Galatians 6:14 )

    Would any of you boast on something you detest???

    QUESTION: Why would Paul refer to the speech about the Torture Stake as Gods power ???? ( 1 Corinthians 1:18 )

    Would any of you consider something detestable as your power?????

    jus' askin'

    QUESTION: Paul points out that the Torture Stake of the Christ has a redeeming quality ( Romans 6:6 ), so why does the WTS see it as a thing of reproach that should be shunned ?????

    ANSWER: " For there are many.....who are walking as the enemies of the Torture Stake of the Christ " ( Philippians 3:18)

  • Ding

    The verses you cite weren't exactly trumpeted from the platform, were they?

  • wasblind

    Great catch Ding

    The WTS totally disagrees wit Paul when it comes to the cross

  • WTWizard

    They fail to make any sense in anything. I can remember the pacts and classes--and, unless you are Jewish, reading them and trying to place yourself in any of them is a complete waste of time. Then they change them, often repeatedly. This serves to make the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger a master, and anyone that manages to partially figure out what they are saying appears spiritually strong.

    In fact, they are not. I got it explained that Jesus (and the other 18 or 20 similar stories) represent the sun. There are crosses everywhere. The Southern Cross, the Cross of the Zodiac, and the cross made by your chakras are examples. The chakra cross is the one made by the 7 major ones with the hip chakra--upside down. The "death of Jesus" illustrating the sun dying on the Southern Cross or the Cross of the Zodiac makes much more sense than anything the Washtowel ever put out. And just about everything else from Christi-SCAM-ity that was stolen from allegories and corrupted to make them worthless. It makes so much more sense in that context than it ever did, whether in regular church or the Washtowel version.

  • MrFreeze

    Is Bill Hicks said, when Jesus comes back the last thing he's gonna want to see is a cross.

  • wasblind

    Ha Ha Ha, I forgot to laugh

    Bill Hicks must of took part in writin' the Reasoning of the scriptures book

    " How would you feel if one of your dearest friends was executed on the basis of false charges ? Would you make a replica of the instument of execution ? would you cherish it? or would you rather shun it????______ Reasoning of the scriptures book page 92

    In case Bill Hicks don't know, the cross is connected to salvation along wit the Christ, it is inseparable

    as the apostle Paul said: It is the torture Stake of the Christ, when the WTS reject the cross they reject the Christ

    and what Christ went through for our salvation

  • wasblind

    I'm surgical wit Watchtower literature, when you step to me, you better come correct, and know this

  • sinis

    Actually the cross, goes way, way back as in Sumerian times. The Cross is actually the interpretation of the four elements of the universe - Earth, Wind, Fire, Water (with the celtic cross circle representing the cosmos). Nothing more, nothing less. The cross imbibed all aspects of creation, from local to macro (cosmos)... and may have even been represented in instruments for determining degrees, distance, and angles...

  • wasblind

    Talkin' bout straddlin' the fence, the WTS tries to have it both ways in all things

    " The Memorial is also a reminder that Jesus death , and they way it was accomplished, in harmony with God's purpose as expressed at Genesis 3:15 and there after, served to vindicate Jehovah's name."_________Reasoning book page 266 paragraph two

    Let's break that down sentence down

    Jesus death, and the way it was accomplished ( Through The Torture Stake )


    in harmony with God's purpose

    Question: why shunn anything in harmony with God's purpose ???????

    I see why agnostics and athiest feel as they do, especially the ones who were ex-JW's

    the mess the WTS teach is unbelieveable

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