Move the Al Quaida prisoners!

by Norm 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Norm

    Many are concerned with the conditions of the prisoner held in Cuba
    It appears that their conditions are far better then what happens to refugees in Australia.

    It is quite shocking to read what goes on in Australia regarding their treatment of refugee’s.Isn’t it wonderful how these lovely and caring Australian nation are so happy to keep women and children in concentration camps out in the desert for years?

    How great it is to know that we have Australia among the international federation of civilized nations, where human rights and particularly children’s right are of major concern, particularly if these children are non Australian.


  • sf

    It's a great day in the nation Norm!


  • edster

    It is absolutely disgraceful and i am so ashamed to be australian. The outback gets extremely cold at night and friggin hot during the day. You see reports of some people with their lips sewn together and people going on hunger strikes. The sad thing is the majority of Australians see these people as economic migrants and queue jumpers and really couldn't give a rats arse about them. You know why? It is because the Prime Minister John Howard uses them for political football stirring up fear in the bulk of white australia to fear these refugees. The man is a humbug and a disgrace to decent australians.

  • Geordie

    I agree that refugees should be kept humainly, but this week in the uk we had some ppl seeking asylum.
    They were spotted on a croos channel ferry and when they were challenged they threatend to throw there children overbourd. One mother went so far as to dangle her terrified 6 year old child over the side of the boat.
    We have recently had a verry modern purpose built building that was there homes burnt down, almost certainly killing some of the refugees, simply to allow some others to escape in the confusion.

    We as tax payers have to foot the bill for this and in my opinion if they want sympathy then there going the wrong way about it.
    I have many opinions on this matter and could talk about it for hours but at the end of the day i would love to go live in a better country than the uk but i cant aford it. why? cos i pay too much tax.
    Thanx asylum seekers. I owe you alot.

    Ofcourse there is some that realy need to be out of there own country because of the regime they live in but in my opinion they should stay and fight for there country rather than run to a soft country and leave there family's and freinds to suffer.

    As for any al quaida prisoners well anything will do for them.

    Well enough ranting for one night

  • LDH

    I can't speak on Australia, I'm not as up to snuff on that as I should be.

    But, any prisoner the US is keeping at Guantanamo Bay is getting *way* more than they got in their cave in Afghanistan.

    Three Hots and A Cot is TOO much to give suspected terrorists, if you ask me.

    Since they are prisoners of war, NOT refugees, they should be treated like Senator John McCain was treated. Harshly.


  • IslandWoman


    The title of your thread: "Move the Al Quaida prisoners!". What does that have to do with the situation you describe in Australia? Are you suggesting the Al Quaida prisoners in Cuba should be subjected to the same conditions as the Australian refugees?


  • Bodhisattva

    One thing I never see addressed in any articles that deal with the situation of refugees in Australia, the U.K., or America, is what are their options. There is one question I would like to see answered: Are they free to return to where they came from?

    If so, they are not prisoners, and providing housing and food for them while considering their asylum requests is better than just turning them away. That said, the governments should provide conditions that are humane and safe, even if the lack of safety comes from their fellow migrants.

    If not, they should be free to return home. Most likely they are, and the fact that they put up with the reported conditions rather than do so speaks volumes about the conditions they left.

    Edited to replace "sage" with "safe," 'cause we don't need to supply them with wise men.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    LDH: "AMEN"

  • ISP

    Geordie....The report of children being thrown overboard etc. was made was revealed later. I'll post the link if it helps. Its all part of the same depressing problem.


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