Talking Surveillance Cameras Coming to U.S. Streets

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 1 Replies latest social current

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis Big Brother is here!

    Why can't the U.K. keep these gadgets to themselves? I can see a holographic image of Margret Thatcher yelling at "litter bug", "PICK THAT TRASH UP, YOU DIRTY JACKASSHOLE AND CRACKTARD!"

  • yourmomma

    you know whats crazy? i have always viewed alex jones as a nut, still do. but the last 8 or so insane things on his site that i researched are actually true. you know you are f**ked as a country when some of the bat sh*t crazy stuff alex jones says is actually true. im not in anyway saying i am a fan of his or that now he is reliable, i still assume he is BSing until proven otherwise. but i have to keep it real, and while i used to ignore him, i now am reading his site more. but i cannot stress this enough, if you decide to read his site, make sure you research the hell out of what is posted, because some of it is BS. but the sad part is, some of it is actually true, and we are becoming a police state. i cannot believe it, but it is true. sad.

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