What being is responsible for our religious shambles?

by WTWizard 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    The evidence is definitive that our religious system is a wreck today. We have three major monotheistic religions, all of which are responsible for tyranny, misogyny, homophobia, slavery, and torture. But, who among them is actually the most reprehensible?

    The ones at the bottom of all three are actually brainwashed. They are given different promises (slaves, a free ride to heaven, 73 virgins) to entice them to obey, along with threats of damnation if they do not. Often, this will move them to be very zealous in their religion, blinding them to any outside viewpoints and making them generally obnoxious. Most missionaries, pious-sneers, and regular assistant hounders fit this category.

    Of course, there is a chain of command that reaches the very top. At some level, the rewards begin to become promises of more promotion and glory in the religion, instead of the heaven/hell platform. This is as true with rabbis as with bishops and mid-management Muslims. At this point, they are still taking orders from above. If they flub up on those orders, they stand to lose a lot.

    It's actually those at the very top of the religions that make the policies. Zionists are actually running the whole show--and there are actually a surprisingly small number of them. Their organization needs to be exposed (the whole thing, in all its parts and including the business and political side as well as the religions) and brought down. Those at the very top need to be brought to justice for all their hate crimes against the whole of human society. The ones in the middle and lower levels will lose a lot of guidance, for sure--however, they will no longer be brainwashed into spreading the grand cancer. We see this with Jehovah's Witlesses who are put out of the organization or leave on their own. They need guidance programs. Those who wish to clean up their spiritual lives and accept the pretext of not initiating the use of force, threats of force, or fraud against others can be accepted into general society. Those who wish to persist in trying to enslave others can simply be blown off, and expelled from the legal system so they cannot corrupt our governments any more.

    But, who is the most reprehensible, vile being of them all? Hint: His name is not "Rothschild". Fact is, he is even above the Rothschilds. And, even if the whole Judeo-Christo-Muslim system is brought down while this monster is still free, he will simply set up another system that could be even worse. His name is Jehovah. He, and his filthy angels, are actually the ones responsible for creating this whole mess in the first place. If they are still free and humanity cleans up this mess, those scum in heaven will simply make another one. Hence, Jehovah must bear the brunt of our hatred and the responsibility for ruining the spiritual condition of the human race.

    And, hopefully, bound forever. Along with every single one of his filthy angels. And, any demons still bound are to be liberated.

  • DagothUr

    Jehovah did not invent himself. He was invented probably by Moses, who was a resourceful, intelligent, military-capable, cruel and cunning person. He was the one who invented Jehovah, who created the Israelite nation from a few nomadic tribes, who executed all his opposers. Followed by Joshua, who stepped in his footprints.

  • WTWizard

    And it all deteriorated from there. Why was it that ancient religions were around, and not intruding on anyone, until something like 4,000 years ago? No small group of people, of any race, could have done that alone. Had they tried, chances are good that they would have ended up dead because the tribes would simply not tolerate outsiders trying to force them to give up their existing beliefs. Hence, it has to be Jehovah and his filthy angels that created this rubbish. And, as such, those are the ones that must take the whole blame for creating the whole mess.

  • DagothUr

    No, it was Ali Baba and his 40 thieves!

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