Landmark catholic child-abuse case in Philadelphia

by Norcal_Sun 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Norcal_Sun

    I just saw this on the news tonight. Looks like this is the first time in America that a higher-ranking church official has been charged with covering up child abuse by shuffling offending priests around. This could set a powerful precedent. The testimony just wrapped up today.

    Crossing my fingers that they throw the book at this guy, paving the way for other similar cases to be successful!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I don't know the latest on this story b/c I don't read local Philly papers. To show how widespread pedophile abuse and cover-up is, the Episcopal bishop of Philadelphia was suspended by a church council b/c he evidently had hard evidence that his brother, also a priest, was an active pedophile. The bishop actively covered up. I believe there was evidence that people knew of the cover-up. I can't recall the name of the clergy/lay group that retired him but he refused to go. There was litigation and many emergency sessions. I did not attend church for a while so I don't know its resolution.

    It seems tacky to go into church and ask a stranger about some salacious story. Some of the details absolutely shocked me. People on the special council that I knew said the evidence was overwhelming. Don't know about any lawsuits from victims.

    When I read about pedophilia or hear it on the news, it is very bad. I don't have children. When I see children playing or walking along, I am struck by their utter vulnerability. How any church can cover this up is beyond me. Besides, as is so clear with the Catholic Church and Richard Nixon, the cover up is more disgusting. Certainly, the perp wants to walk but why should officials who committed no act protect the perp over children.

  • Norcal_Sun

    The whole practice is absolutely disgusting. I am really disheartened that it goes on in many different religions not JWs.

    I just watched a very powerful video about some catholic cover ups that went on in Ireland. Warning it could be a trigger for some people (the guy describes what happened to him). This man is my hero.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The prime minister/president of Ireland, I don't know the Gaellic title, gave such eloquent testimony against the Church in Ireland concerning the pedophile crisis. This is in Ireland, not cynical Italy.

  • Norcal_Sun

    I am glad to hear that they are getting fed up with it too. Finally everyone is realizing how bad religions can be.

  • Norcal_Sun

    Just saw this on the news.. the irish priests will refuse to report child abuse that is confessed to them..l.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I wonder. Privileges serve important functions. I can see keeping the confidentality of past crimes but what if someone confesses an inherent trait (pedophilia, that w/0 drastic treatment, will recur) or confesses a future crime?

    I can't recall the details but lawyers can break confidentality in specific circumstances of clear and impending serious harm or murder. Medical doctors have such a duty, too.

    Past crimes - the bell can't be unrung.

    Is there any psychological treatment for pedophilia or it all chemical or aversion therapy?

    Will priests do hard time if Ireland withdraws their privilege? What an assertion. The Church is no longer the state, too.

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