Rationalizing "Not of this world, but take of the harvest of this world."

by okage 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • okage
  • okage

    One of my JW "friends" told me the two main reasons they don't celebrate Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day or Father's day is that 1) they are of pagan origins. And 2) God tells us not to be part of this world. This got me thinking. HARD.

    Christmas and Easter, without doubt, are Christian celebrations of life strategically marked to divert attention away from pagan celebrations. The angels told farmers to rejoice and celebrate the birth of the Messiah, but the Society decides it's above the message of the angels of Jehovah. I don't understand why the society okays funerals and celebrates the death of Christ, but considers celebrating the birth and resurrection of Jesus to be of satanic influence. I get that celebrating these events on the same day as a pagan holiday could be misleading, yet they've never attempted to set aside days for their Witnesses to celebrate these events of life. You'd figure it to be a priority since their message is "The Organization leads to Everlasting life." I guess they just don't want to.

    God specifically says in the bible to honor your mother and father. In the Watchtower's eyes, Jehovah is father and the Organization is mother. So wouldn't it be wisest to set aside a day to honor your mother and father since you're expected to spend every minute exalting the Society and Jehovah (in that order)? In turn, I started thinking about the way the Society does the exact same thing they demonize other religions for: taking something created and utilized by pagans, and applying it to "Christian" benefit.

    Gutenberg was a Catholic (we all know how the Society views them) and invented the printing press. His most famous work was the Gutenberg Bible (the Catholic version). His press was a major factor in the Protestant Reformation movement. When people decided to question the Church and it's teachings. The press was a key factor in the Age of Reason, when scientists and thinkers banded together to throw out superstition and abuse by church in favor of science, philosophy, and free thinking. It played an enormous part in the Scientific Revolution. Yet, for almost 130 years, the Society has taken this invention of Satan's world, invented by a man brought up in a religion corrputed by "Satan's influence." They utilize it for Christian benefit.

    They keep heavily altered records of their publications on their websites. The internet began with a group of men led by Leonard Kleinrock, a Jewish man. Leonard and one of his students, a Muslim named Farouk Kamoun, developed a standard in theoretical heirarchical routing that is applied in today's internet. Jews killed, then denied the Messiah and Muslims deny the deity of Christ, labelling him a prophet. Should I need to list the two things the internet is predominantly used for? The Society took these inventions of blasphemers and tool of the devil's world and told it's followers go to our websites. Even their tracts have the watchtower website listed.

    CPU based tech? Let's see:
    -Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computers, a jewish man from Texas.
    -Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, a budhist
    -Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, a freemason
    -Bill Gates, Mr. Microsoft, an atheist

    The individual and combined efforts of these heathens is heavily utilized by the Society in many forms. Their media and editing departments, record-keeping, communication between KH's and Branches, banking, the list goes on. These things the Society uses, adapting for the new generation, exposes another of the countless double standards of the Society. We can't celebrate the birth and resurrection of the Messiah because we can't take something pagan and use it for Christian benefit. But the GB can play Angry Birds on a phone developed by a budhist and a Freemason.

    JWN, what else do they use that comes from pagan/heathen origin?

  • WTWizard

    Pagan origins? I believe this is one more reason why we SHOULD celebrate the holidays. And do it in such a way that the Nazarene Jesus doesn't replace the original meaning--Christmas means so much more than the birth of Christ. It means the rebirth of the sun, joy and happiness, festivities, and enjoyment of one's blessings (regardless of the source). Easter means so much more than Jesus' death and resurrection--it also means new beginnings, fertility, and that the hardships brought on by winter are about to end. There is supposed to be a major pagan holiday at each equinox, solstice, and at all 4 cross-points. How many others have heard of Beltane, Candlemas, and Lammas Day? Or the other 2, even more obscure holidays at the summer solstice and fall equinox? Yet, we are meant to celebrate them all to the hilt.

    In truth, there is nothing from Christi-SCAM-ity that isn't pagan in origin. Jesus himself has pagan origins, some 20 of them, corrupted and twisted so no one can gain anything from them. The originals were allegories for the sun--Jesus was plagiarism. The cross was stolen from the Southern Cross, the Cross of the Zodiac, or both. The REJECT Jesus Astaroth Party is also stolen from the 12 apostles signs of the Zodiac. Doctrines were taken specifically to interfere with real spiritual growth: Missionary work precludes a sense of belonging and material security (also that "travelers in a foreign land" and rules against materialism). The sex rules create hangups and chakra blockages in the sacral chakra (and disfunction). Everything being scheduled--excessive rules on food, too many boasting sessions and field circus--blocks the solar chakra. Forced "charity" among the "brothers" disrupts the heart chakra--also having to "love" everyone (which cheapens this love). The canned presentations and rules against good comments ruins the throat chakra. Relying on the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger blocks that Third Eye chakra by blocking insight.

    And yet they expect that crown chakra, vital to connect with any spirit, to be wide open. That is, wide open to a fictitious character that is cobbled from 20 other allegories standing for the sun. (Or, at best, an apostate Jew whose life was embellished and he is dead). Nothing in that religion is going to help--yet they expect people to be wide open to Jehovah and Jesus (and closed to Satan and his wonderful demons). No wonder the witlesses have so much mental illness and develop physical problems so often.

  • okage

    I know little of chakras, so if you could, what reading would you recommend for me?

    As for your reply, I'm not religious at all. Use of words like pagan and heathen were presented sarcastically, as they are a reflection of the WTS' propaganda against the non-believers.

    I believe we don't have enough holidays. Life should be a celebration. The time focused on this thread alone, how many people do you think lost their lives in the world? These are people who won't get to enjoy the things we take for granted each day.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    How about electricity, plumbing, water systems, modern building and engineering, printing presses, shipping utilization, modern infrastructure, technology, modes of transportation, small and large appliances, government, modern tools and....? The list goes on.

    If they want to keep using the “we're no part of the world” bullshight then they better start getting cozy with the Amish or else shut the hell up!

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