"I am walking proof of the power of prayer" - Patrice Muamba

by BluesBrother 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    A short while back a Circuit Overseer told the congregation his personal experience. I was not concentrating at the beginning but somehow he and his wife were at an Assembly with no money. They had scraped together the cash to rent an old caravan for the weekend and now they were out of food. Their last meal had been ruined on the Calor Gas cooker. He said he looked at this "burnt offering" and wondered if "Jehovah really meant it when he said that he would sustain his servants" but he prayed for support, of course...

    Lo and behold ! that very evening some Bros from the big caravan nearby knocked the door and asked if they would accept a gift of some food they had spare. What a demonstration of prayers answered and Jehovah's care.....although he might let you get to the very limit to test your resolve. "Isn't it wonderful, Brothers?"

    Now consider the case of Patrice Muamba

    If the story did not reach your part of the world, this man collapsed a top football game and was as good as dead - but he recovered against all odds and medical expectations.


    Mr Muamba is certainly not a Witness but his story is remarkable. He said :

    "Some one up there was watching over me. What happened to me was really more than a miracle," he said. "On the morning of the game I prayed with my father and asked God to protect me - and he didn't let me down. "I am walking proof of the power of prayer. For 78 minutes I was dead and even if I lived was expected to have suffered brain damage. But I'm very much alive and sitting here talking now. Some one up there was watching over me.''

    Cynics among us may point to the expert immediate healthcare that he received, and the uncertainties of any medical diagnosis, but it is not for me to dismiss his belief in the hand of God, I could not even categorically say that God did not take pity on a pair of hungry pioneers in a caravan.....although I find that far less likely.

    My point is just this . All religions can point to examples of God's "undoubted care " and the answers to prayers . Some people confound medical doctors after a trip to Lourdes.

    The next time that a J W , in person or in print , claims that God's hand undoubtedly saved them and it is evidence of being the one true religion, just remember that even Babylon The Great has claims to miracles and prayers answered. The dubs would deride the idea of Jehovah God saving a footballer - I doubt if Mr Muamba would pooh hoo the claims of Jehovah's Witnesses......

  • Phizzy

    Most "prayers answered" stories have a logical explanation, or a negative example to counter it. For example JW's and Mormons etc boast of the people that were praying and then a Mormon Elder knocked on the door or similar.

    Maybe god is directing every religion that has these experiences, but what about all the people praying and there is no knock, no answer, just silence ?

    The C.O's experience shows three things,1) the pair of 'em have not even the life skills to cook a simple meal, 'coz they have never had to,

    2)the brown-noses in the next big van knew he was a C.O, smelt the burnt food, so gave them some, and

    3)the C.O loves to tell tall stories !

    As to Patrice, I am sure that if there is a God it is high on His prorities to save the life of a fine footballer and thoroughly nice bloke, well done God !

  • scotoma

    Time and unforseen circumstances befall every one. Some of these circumstances appear god sent. Others appear as if God has abandoned you.

    Just remember that you were unlucky enough to be born. Count your curses. Nothing fails like prayer.

  • LouBelle

    I don't know why god would want to push / test people on their faith - as in the JW case..?? I'm shocked that the wealthier brothers did not intervine before they did!!!

    .....yet the footballer just did his thing and prayed his usual thing no doubt - no testing needed.

    Lou - of the "I no longer believe in an outside god" class

  • iCeltic

    I remember years ago a JW told me he was out in the door to door work, him and his service partner and they were hungry with no money and no food. (I suggested he would have been better trying to get a job to earn money to buy food rather than walk around pointlessly with WTBS tracts)

    So, they are walking past shops looking at the food in the windows (ffs) when a van drove past them and an apple pie fell out the back of the van. They got down on their knees and thanked god for providing them the food. I was gobsmacked. They actually believed that god had hand delivered them an apple pie as reward for putting first the kingdom.

    That morning, knowing they had no food, they said they prayed to god to feed them and their prayer was answered....

    I was watching the game when Muamba went down, it was quite horrific watching it.

  • cofty

    Believers have such low expectations of their omnipotent god. If he cared about Patrice Muamba'a health why didn't he have his heart defect diagnosed by routine tests before he had a heart attack?

    My whole squad get tested up at Hampden by SFA doctors every season, seems god has less foresight them me.

  • cedars

    I had an experience as a teenager where something happened to me that should have killed me, but didn't. It would be easy to make a similar argument to Muamba and claim that my survival was down to divine intervention, but what about all the good people who are killed each day? Why should Muamba or myself be the odd one out?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that Muamba has recovered from an appauling incident that shocked thousands if not millions of people. However, weeks after Muamba's collapse, a similar incident ocurred with a footballer in Italy who wasn't so lucky. So God cared about Muamba, but not the Italian?

    If God saved me as a teenager for a purpose, then fair enough - and I wouldn't wish to say anything that would make me appear ungrateful. But it would be wrong for me to insist that my survival was due to God, because I feel it's inappropriate and frankly arrogant to assume I was saved because my life is more important than someone else's. The same applies to Muamba.


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Hmm, wouldn't it be much easier and less demanding to talk about the "unanswered prayers"....way more to pick from.

  • scotoma


    Just what you need when you are out of food. A nice nutritious and wholesome blood sugar raising pie.

    So in fact they stole the pie and consumed it instead of calling the pie company for permission

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