
by Phizzy 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    Since leaving for good I have always liked to "anti-witness" whenever I get the chance.

    I found that people used to question it if I called the JW's a cult, they used to say things like "Oh they are not that scary !", and of course the WT does a good job of masking its cult status, and its high control tactics.

    Most people too, are just not interested in doctrine.

    So, lately I have simply started saying "It is a Scam!" , if they want details it is easy to say in a few words how the property business part of the scam works.

    But I think if we can get the idea out there that it is a scam, pure and simple, then more people will avoid it than would merely on my or your claim that it is a false religious cult.

    So, "Scam's the word" if that goes viral it should stop a lot of people from falling for it.

    Of course, they will still suck some in, but they will be the same people still falling for the financial scams coming from Nigeria.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't call it anything when I'm anti-witnessing. I just tell people my story.

    They tell me it's a cult.

    Nobody that knows me will ever join it.

  • nugget

    I was at an international cult studies association meetup at the weekend. No one there doubts it is a cult and they are the experts.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There are a helluva lot of people out there who think it is just another harmless branch of Christianity and wouldn't have a problem with their children studying with a Witless. We used to get quite a few of them asking for help when it was too late, but not so much lately, thank god.

    Unfortunately, the majority of the population of the UK wasn't at the ICSA meetup so it's up to the likes of us to get the word out.

  • Phizzy

    I agree with the above, and dear Nugget, I have no doubt it is a dangerous mind controlling cult.

    I just think that some concepts spread through the population more easily than others, as Black Sheep points out, because people are not aware of the nature of the WT/JW group ,the unwary can be sucked in.

    Yes. if you get the chance, explain all you know about it, but most often we get a small window of attention from people, and if they start in their own mind to question your assertions, they WILL NOT REMEMBER what you said, so if you do not have the chance to go over all the proof with them, you can say cult as much as you like and do little good.

    But who would fall for the Nigerian Scam once they had heard it called that ? they may not even register the nature of the scam, but as soon as they receive a letter from a Nigerian Prince or "business man", the warning bells ring.

    If we can label the WT a scam at every opportunity I am convinced this will do more to curb their entrapment activity than anything, just get that thought in to the publics psyche and the WT will have a real problem countering it.

    Scam it and Damn it !

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    In my anti-witnessing, I never name the group I was born into unless the audience is insistant.

    It is more important for them to recognise cults by their attributes than by name.

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