Wikileaks style anonymous "JW leaks" dropbox anyone?

by Fernando 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Fernando

    This post was inspired by rory-ks' post at

    A General strike?

    In response to an open ended innocuous call like:

    "if you are not 100% satisfied with everything you see, hear and experience within the congregation please join your brothers and sisters in communicating this to the powers that be by means of a general worship at home strike starting from 21 Dec 2012 until all your concerns have been satisfactorily addressed via"?

    The website could have an anonymous dropbox like Wikileaks (JW leaks)! The Watchtower could be forced to publicly explain inaction or injustice in a particular case to the satisfaction of the website owners, on pain of JWleaks releasing more damning material.

    A passive protest like this may offer protesters a chance to avoid victimisation. They could also direct any queries from the elders back to the website! They can remain silent but not voiceless - and there should be precious little the Pharisees can do about it since the protestors are not handing the Pharisees any sticks to beat them with!

    Oh dear me I do so hope somebody is feeling inspired to be the next Julian Assange of the Watchtower. Or what about asking Julian if he is willing to widen his net to include religious abuse, and create a JWconcerns page?

    Just think what a relief the anonymous dropbox will provide to an elder whose conscience is torturing him...

    Obviously we can't afford any redacting foul-ups though.

    What are your thoughts?

  • Chariklo

    Interesting thought, Fernando.

    It has possibilities....

  • baltar447

    The website would need to be hosted outside the US in a country that doesn't respect US laws, but I like the idea.

  • allyouneedislove

    This site provides confidential documents via being leaked on sites like sendspace.

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