Have you ever looked at the Bible from a SPIRITUAL viewpoint?

by Fernando 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    By finding and understanding the full or unabridged gospel message it contains.

    (Especially according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms).

  • Perry

    Spiritual, if you mean literal ... yes. Spiritualizing scripture got me in a lot of trouble as a JW

  • jgnat

    Hmmmmm. It seems to me that any connection between Exodus and the gospel message was concocted after the fact.

    As for spiritualizing the bible, it has been an enduring delight to review the Jewish interpretation of these scriptures. My sense is that theirs is far more spiritual http://www.socialjusticespeaks.org/id25.html

  • N.drew

    It is my favorite thing to do! I research the Bible for myself on Biblos. It has Greek and Hebrew interlinear and Strong's Concordance with the click of a button. It would be impossible to study the Bible like it can be studied now without the internet. And it's free. Hundreds of years of research and I can understand a scripture from a spiritual pov in a new way in five minutes! If he wasn't dead I would thank "Mr Strong" and all the monks before him! LOL


  • WTWizard

    Look at the sources from which the material was plagiarized. Most people don't realize that Jesus was merely one of a line of beings that fit that pattern, and that it was actually the sun. Most people don't realize that Astaroth was stolen and reincarnated as Mother Mary, the "Mother of God". You will have to do research to find the other gems--and, as the originals were destroyed by the Jews/Christians as they invaded those cultures, doing so will be very difficult. Also, different demons (gods) have different names in different cultures, further confusing things.

    But, on the good side, as the Age of Aquarius progresses, people are going to be pxxxed off at religions that offer fake spirituality. They are going to piece together the evidence--already, there are sites that do this and plenty of YouTube videos for those that care to look. (In fact, hundreds of them under "Christianity a lie"). People are going to start putting more faith in those who were nice enough to post these videos and blogs, and less in churches that destroy evidence of past religions by corrupting them. At which point, your LIE-bles will start coming with guides of which accounts various accounts were stolen from, and you will be able to piece together more truth. And, all the while this is going on, science will progress. Once physics reaches the point of proving the astral plane, scams like the witlesses will have zero staying power among those who uphold science.

  • Phizzy

    The Bible is not relevant once you have found The Way The Truth and The Life.

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