How much Watchtower baggage still has to leave our thinking and behaviour?

by Fernando 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    This profound piece from made me wonder:

    Prejudice is the product of a lazy mind.It's contempt, prior to investigation. Your first impression of someone is incomplete and often inaccurate. Don't assume your intuition is always right. Don't make lasting decisions based on limited insights. Your success in life will be adversely affected by prejudice, fear and any form of discrimination you allow to colour your thinking. Jesus never determined a person's worth based on their race, gender, financial status or appearance.

    (The word ignorance also comes to mind).

  • IsaacJ22

    Another way I have of putting it is that people are complicated. We often have a dozen different motivations in mind for our own behavior, and even then, half of them are things we made up about ourselves. To simplify creatures like that to something you can dismiss with a wave of your hand and a single comment, like "ex-Witnesses just hate authority" or "atheists just have daddy issues" reveals just how much you aren't trying. And how much you want--or need--to hate and misunderstand the other group.

    It takes work to be better than that.

  • WTWizard

    "Prejudice" means simply to prejudge. Usually it is negative, but it can just as easily be positive. When witlesses see other witlesses, for instance, they are often prejudiced to believe that those other witlesses are "friends". When Christians (including witlesses) see angels, they prejudge them as friends. When scam victims fall for a scam, they prejudge the scam (and the scammer) as being helpful.

    And the Number One Prejudice is actually against Satan and his demons. Just about every Christian, Jew, and Muslim is programmed and prejudiced to believe that Satan and his demons are the epitome of evil. They don't even question it--not even from their own LIE-ble. (Would any sane person reading the account banning people from knowledge of good and evil believe that Jehovah is a friend?) The corollary to this is prejudging God as maximally benevolent--again, close to 100% of people in the above religions are thus prejudiced.

    Then, once I began researching things objectively, I realized that Satan is a freedom fighter--Alex Jones deluxe. (In fact, Satan and his demons would make Alex Jones and Ron Paul look like tyrants by comparison.) Satan genuinely wants to help people--right in their own LIE-ble, at Genesis 3, Satan put it all on the line to help mankind escape Jehovah's tyranny. Not even 3 pages into the LIE-ble, and not even looking at other sources, and any objective person would realize that their hatred for Satan and love for God is based on prejudice.

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