Visiting the memorial

by Gorbatchov 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Although Gorby is a (not so) regular visitor of the kingdom hall, he was welcomed like a newcomer when he entered the building!

    I parked my 12 years old car in the lot between the new Mercedes and Volvo SUV of two local elders. I walked with my 2 kids and wife to the entrance of the hall.

    One of the elders was assigned with the duty of a warm welcome for those who need it. So, I entered the building and he told me loud and encredibly close:

    "Good evening, nice to see you here!". It felt like "ashole where have you been the last month's", with a big untrue smile. So I told him louder and a lot of

    encredibly closer: " NICE TO SEE YOU HERE ALSO!". Like bitten by a snake, he was gone in a second".

    During the evening, I had a lot of smiles at my face, thinking about this funny moment.

    Attendance was not so good this year


  • TOTH

    I know the feeling, GORBY! Love the name btw!

    A couple of years ago I went to the memorial with my father in law. we sat together and I had my full beard and street clothes on. All the jw's know me and were all a little offended at my appearance there. I had not been inside a kh in a couple of years. Well one of my wife's cousins came up to greet me but looked a little reluctant to do so. She stuck out her pretty little hand to shake my hand and I took it and said, "Hey look, Ruby! You didn't burst into flames!" She giggled and walked away...LOL

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