Doing Tolerance: How Jehovah's Witnesses Live with Unbelieving Relatives

by Bangalore 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Doing Tolerance: How Jehovah's Witnesses Live with Unbelieving Relatives. By Andrew Holden

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  • TOTH

    My folks were both members of the Assemblies of God Church before becoming jw's. The effect of joining the cult was a detrimental one to both side of the family. My folks tried so hard to get them to join for fear of losing the entire family to Armageddon in 1975. It put a rift between my maternal grandfather and them to the point that he stamped his feet at the sidewalk and drove off condemning them for carrying a false Gospel. Things gotto the point where we only saw our cousins on rare occasions after their folks fully rejected the troof.

    I ran into my cousin who is a lay minister in the AG Church a few years ago. When he asked if I was still a jw I said I was only because I was not really going there anymore but had no other church I was attending either. He said, "Oh, your still involved with THAT?" It sparked something in my head. This is a guy that I grew up with as a young boy. I love him a great deal and wish that the jw's had never come into my family. I lost many years of healthy interaction with my aunts, uncles, grand parents and cousins. However I am reconnecting with them one by one and finding they are not evil nor worldy. Stupid WT!

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