Here it Comes

by TOTH 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    The phone rang a few minutes ago. When my wife said, "Hi Daddy!" I figured it was "the Call". "Panchita can't take me to the memorial tomorrw. Tell Lorenzo I need a ride." I was surprised he merely wanted to remind my darling little red haired girl with the alabaster skin that the memorial is coming up tomorrow. She told him she doubted she was going because she is real sick.

    I am hoping that he got the hint last year when I refused to take him. even just drop him off. But I have a feeling he will call later tonight or maybe tomorrow afternoon complaining that the old harpy won't take him and he needs to go. He NEVER goes to the meetings anymore. He is very ill, but the memorial he MUST make it to. I picture a situation like Jim Carrey coming out of a fake rhino's behind gasping and saying, "Must have AIRRRR!" Must - get - to - the ---memooooriaaaal! All the pain he's in just to go and reject Jesus for the 58th or whatever time in his life. So sad to me.

    But I still won't take him.

    Thanks for letting me rant....

  • Morbidzbaby

    Call him a cab... or have him call someone in his oh-so-loving congregation for a ride.

  • Scully

    Yeah, the Brothers™ and Sisters™ are supposed to Love™ you so much they would give their lives for you. Why wouldn't they give you a ride to The Most Important Headcount Meeting Of The Year™?

  • ssn587

    Yeah Piss on the Memorial it's nothing just about rejecting the emblems, what the hell is that suppose to mean anyway. I won't go got my invitation and told them no thanks, i won't be going. And as for the supposed love in the cngregation it's just a bunch of lip service.

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