After Armeggedon

by Joe Grundy 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    IIRC, there were some pieces here (or links) to what life might ACTUALLY be like after a catastrophic Armageddon. They read like the scripts of sci-fi post-apocalypse films.

    Bearing in mind that the whole basis of the JW religion is apocalyptic, do most/any dubs think of the practicalities beyond 'I'd like to live in that big house'? What about the cholera/dysentery from all those corpses?

  • TOTH

    I heard at an ASS Sembly once that Jehovah was going to use Antimatter to get rid of the disgusting remnants of human decay.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Witlesses in their ignorant bliss neglect to acknowledge that if all the worldlies are destroyed, who's going to run the infrastructure? What good are the things you've been coveting if the air is filled with the stench of death and there's no clean water, fuel, electricity, waste removal or food?

    The canned answer is usually, "Oh, jayhoover's gonna take care of that; all we have to do is clean up and "study" with the resurrected ones."

    Really??? If that's the case, why doesn't jayhoover, who's so powerful he can destroy humanity, clean up the mess or just kill all the worldlies without making a mess in the first place?

    Besides that:

    Is he going to keep infrastructure going while all the "survivors", who never got any formal education, learn how to run things? Since there will be more dying than surviving, are the dead bodies going to magically disappear? Or is he going to sanitize the corpses while we take months to try and bury the dead? Is jayhoover going to make us impervious to deadly bacteria when sewage leaks out of destroyed pipes (containment) into the ground/clean water? Where is he going to send all the new waste, garbage and sewage? Is jayhoover going to heal all injuries when there are no doctors or medical facilities directly after the big A?

    Either he's gonna have to step up, or they need to start getting use to living like ancient nomadic dirt farmers.

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