Religions that use hate speech to keep members in line

by WTWizard 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    First, I noticed that the witlesses are guilty of this. Last fall, they had a series of articles in the Kool-Aid washtowel that mentioned that apostates are "mentally diseased" and "deserving of death". As all one had to do to fit this criterium is to question what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger puts out as official doctrine, it is pretty easy to see that this is designed to prevent people from cross-referencing their religion.

    Other religions do the same thing, though to a lesser degree. It is right in the Bible, in both the Old Testament and New Testament, for instance, that homosexuality is a major abomination punishable by either death (Leviticus) or hell (Romans, 1Corinthians). Right in the Jewish Mosaic Law, it says that homosexuals are to be put to death--which is pretty blatant hate speech right in the LIE-ble itself. Some homosexuality is perfectly natural--which includes bisexuality and children that are engaging in sex play (usually with each other). Some homosexuality is genetic or induced by endocrine disruptions, and should likewise not be condemned. And some is related to sexual hangups (which the religions themselves embed in children, teaching them that sex is filthy. In none of these instances is it worthy of being put to death--yet Leviticus paints it as a death infraction. Yet, you can rape someone and get away with paying the father 50 ounces of silver (and nothing to the victim).

    Christians are just as bad here. They condone slavery and torture. Yet the apostle Paul condemns homosexuals. 1Corinthians 6:9 lists them as being not worthy of God's Kingdom (eg., hell). Romans has them listed as "obscene, practicing what is obscene, and reaping their just deserts (eg, hell). Many fundamentalist Christian churches today still punish homosexuality with severity, regardless of whether it is natural, a result of genetics or other medical condtions, or they themselves created the situation.

    Islam is also coupable of this. It takes only a little research on Sharia Law to find out that they are stoning homosexuals. They actually make it a crime for men to have sex with other men--additionally, the age of consent is often 21. Imagine "child molesters" molesting 20 year olds! Additionally, women are required to wear face veils in Muslim regions.

    Christians and Jews are also guilty of denigrating women. Both relegate women to lesser roles in society. This is blatant sexism. Since when are women not capable of being priests? Some more progressive Christian denominations are starting to include women as lower-level priests, and possibly even bishops. However, their own LIE-ble hints that women ought to keep quiet and let the men do the teaching. True, the witlesses enforce it more openly than other religions. And, what is this about men being the head of the household? This rubbish is found in both testaments.

    I say that, before anyone of any of these three religions accuses anyone of "hate speech" because anyone speaks out against them (this applies equally with all three of them), they ought to look at what their own rules and holy books say about discrimination against homosexuals and women, slavery and torture, and using drugs for personal pleasure. I also think they should look at whether they themselves are hating other religions by going into foreign lands as missionaries to forcibly get populations to join their religions, destroying artifacts and temples, murdering innocent people or capturing them to be sold as slaves, hijacking humanitarian aid from non-religious sources so they can recruit for their own religion, and even conquering nations for the purpose of defacing the indigenous religions.

    And, before the witlesses can claim that they are innocent of any of the above, they ought to look at the missionaries they themselves send into foreign lands, the damage they cause when someone doesn't fit in or questions a minor doctrine, urges people to donate beyond their means and slash their careers to serve the religion, and discriminates blatantly against women and homosexuals. None of these three religious platforms, including the witlesses, upholds women and gay people as equals.

    Yes, people should have the right to practice their own religions. But they shouldn't have the right to destroy religious temples of others' religions, march in uninvited to evangelize, enslave and torture people that don't wish to join, or claim that anyone that says anything bad about their own religion despite evidence (no matter how widespread, or even if said evidence is right in their own holy books) of major faults is committing "hate speech". This goes for the witlesses--yes, they have the right to believe that Armageddon is coming and only their own will survive. Yet, they don't have the right to force those who choose to leave to stay in or to label them as "mentally diseased scum deserving to die".

  • Phizzy

    Wizzy said :

    "Yes, people should have the right to practice their own religions. But they shouldn't have the right to destroy religious temples of others' religions, march in uninvited to evangelize, enslave and torture people that don't wish to join, or claim that anyone that says anything bad about their own religion despite evidence (no matter how widespread, or even if said evidence is right in their own holy books) of major faults is committing "hate speech". This goes for the witlesses--yes, they have the right to believe that Armageddon is coming and only their own will survive. Yet, they don't have the right to force those who choose to leave to stay in or to label them as "mentally diseased scum deserving to die".

    Oh how I agree with that !

    To heap derision upon beliefs of any kind is NOT an attack upon the person who holds those beliefs, it is NOT "hate speech", it is my contention that it is not wrong in any way to challenge or satirise or generally show where beliefs are wrong silly or whatever.

    I do believe in showing respect to all humans, as much as possible, so would not deliberately upset a person in an unkind way, i.e ayoung child who believes that Santa brings his chrissy presents is not going to be harshly told by me that the belief is tosh, he will find out in time, but I am not going to do it.

    But, JW's, Muslims,Jews,Chrisitians etc etc are going to find that I do not have any respect for their beliefs, why should I ? I will laugh at them, and show the fallacies within them as much as I bloody well want.

  • LongHairGal


    All religions are guilty of this either to a greater or lesser degree. But, I am done with religion in general. My experience with the JWs cured me of ever getting involved with it again.

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