***Public Service Announcement***

by Adam 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adam

    For those of you who go to the movies, please heed this warning. DO NOT GO SEE "IN THE BEDROOM." This was only the second movie I ever walked out of. My girlfriend brought me to the movie and even she wanted to leave. I have yet to wash the tase out of my mouth and am scarred for life. You know how some movies start out R-E-A-L S-L-O-W? Well this one started out slower and went down hill from there. Please, spare yourselves and your loved ones, avoid this pitiful excuse for entertainment.

  • SixofNine

    You didn't wait for the big payoff kiddo. There were actually TWO rather graphic (if sudden and short) scenes of blood and violence.

    Thanks for your report however. For your next assignment, please do a TWO paragraph criticism of "My Dinner With Andre".

  • Celia

    What's the movie about ?
    Some details please !

  • Adam

    I saw the part where the architect student got shot, wait, actually I didn't SEE him getting shot. Matter of fact, I never SAW him get punched either. I didn't see much at all. Anything that would have grabbed attention was done off camera. And those scenes where the picture fades in, nothing happens for a good 45 seconds to a minute, then fades to black again just made me wanna vomit. I don't care if aliens would have landed at the end and had otherworldly sex with playboy bunnies while a tank battle went on in the background. It wouldn't have made up for the mind numbing boredom of the first 3/4 of the movie. Sorry, just not my kinda flick.

    It's about a dude who falls for a chick with kids and an abusive ex-husband. Not a bad premise but no one shows any emotion whatsoever and the few good parts aren't shown on camera. I think you might see a tear from the dad when his son dies, but that's about all the emotion you get. If you go, bring a book.

  • Celia

    Urgh !
    not my kind of movie !
    I would not even rent it on video !

  • Beck_Melbourne

    What about A Beautiful Mind? Wouldnt mind seeing that...but its not here yet...I think it comes to Australia this week sometime.


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