How Far Would You Go To Steal A Bible Study From A New Pioneer?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Once upon a time there was a new brother named Dave. Dave was new to the faith, and once he was baptized, he started to Aux Pioneer, and he finally made it to a "Regular Pioneer", sometimes "Special Pioneer Hours". Dave had a very good feel for a certain demographic, he success rate was tremendous, and his ability to understand scriptures, remember Society literature, did not go unnoticed by certain jealous shepherds. A brother named "Biblestudystealer" would undermine Dave's efforts by visting studies after Dave would leave. "You know, I am a elder, I could help you understand scripture better, Dave has only been with us a year." The study took the bait, another study took this elders bait! Dave had been told by BS-Stealer not to poach studies from the older elders, "its not very cool, it's just wrong" and dave obeyed.

    When confronted on this issue, BS-Stealer elder, lied and said "your studies came to me, said you were not as qualified as me to teach". The repeated lying by BS-stealer about Dave's conduct, poisoned the majority of the BOE. 90 percent of the BOE were in fear of "BibleStudyStealer"elder, who was not afraid to threaten with force, his own ideas how the congregation should be run. Called before the BOE about his pathological lying problem and his heinous conduct with "Dave", only three stood up to this Bully. The three were told to "quite down, cover it up, it's not a big deal, he does more for the circuit than most bodies, with his time and money" Dave left to join another religion and BS-elder is alive and well, in fact "He was out in field service sharing the Good News last weekend".

    Is this type of conduct possible within Jehovah's Organization, or is this man an "agent of Satan"? I can't think of any other group of men, who would try to destroy the "whole", the way "BS-Elder" has systematically stumbled many dubs out of the Organization. I can count twenty people he has chased out of the organization, just to boost his ego! A very sad man, I wonder if he even reads the Bible and knows what Jesus Christ was talking about, or is he aware of his own millstone or two, hanging around his neck?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    20!!! Sounds like he his doing a grand job to me. He should be encouraged.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Sadly, I am not surprised. In my own experience, there was one particular elder who considered himself exempt from all rules of conduct and he bullied or dominated the rest of the body to the point that no one would call him out even when he behaved abominably.

  • PrincessCynic

    Sounds like a psychopath to me.

    And the complete opposite to the elders in my cong. If a sister tries to GIVE them a study they ain't interested.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I know of a few pious-sneers and elderberries who have stolen studies to fill their theo-craptic coffers.

    They are usually the one's who never go door-to-door and yet seem to have soooo many studies.

    What amazes me is that no one questions the study stealer on how, if they never go door-to-door, do they find these people to study with?

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Some elders avoid studies at all cost, and field service, yet remain elders? They must have ten kids and creative field service accountings, will provide 18 hours a month?

    Yes, this brother is a sociopath, he is able to lie before any servant of God, without a blush or any type of facial tick, thrives off suffering.

    The Pious-Sneers do receive potential studies from busy elders, or a family member who has the courage to call a Kingdom Hall, where a new potential study has moved. This religion creates a very self-absorbed way of life, it's more about the individuals prominence in the Org, instead of helping the "whole" of the congregation. Why do you think many Pioneers will only work with they own kind? No time for the weak or widows!

    The emphasis on "Time, Placements, Converts" creates a selfish "me first attidue" with the ones who are suppose to be supporting the ones Apostle Paul said "to watch over, to guard, to care and upbuild the weak and widows, and orphans". Why, I wish I knew why we are a very self absorbed group, who are to concerned with our personal theocratic monthly numbers. We not a sales force, are we?

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