From Tallymans "Gallery":

by sf 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • Kenneson

    Thanks for posting the site. It seems to me that the Watchtower Society sees everyone else as Satan, so that it doesn't have to see the Satan it itself is. Like Jesus said: "Take the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers." (Paraprased)

  • gravedancer

    SF - Have you become Tallyman's designated secretary/gopher?

  • sf

    "Have you become Tallyman's designated secretary/gopher?"


  • sf

    Actually, yes, I am. I've changed my answer.

    Here's a message for you from Tom:

    >> Senior Member
    >> Posts: 172
    >> Since: Dec 8, 2001 Re: From Tallymans "Gallery":
    >> Feb 25, 2002
    >> SF - Have you become Tallyman's designated
    >> secretary/gopher?
    >> And my message to him/her is:
    >> "Yes, I have hired sf to be my temporary secretary.
    >> What the hell is that to you?
    >> You got some kind of problem with that,
    >> gravedenser?"
    >> How is it any of your concern WHO I hire as my secretary?
    >> I'm disabled and need the help of a courier.
    >> Oh, and BTW, "Byte Me."
    >> Thankyewvermuch!


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • sf

    1906 Washington Post article re: Reverend Jellyfish, a.k.a., Pastor Charles Taze Russell...President of the Watchtower B.S. Society:


    sKally, secretary for the Defense klass

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • Alleymom

    Hi, SF ---

    Since I'm new here, I want to make sure that I am not out of line for reposting the link you gave to the jellyfish page.

    I sent the Washington Post article to Tom a few days ago, and I think the page he came up with deserves to be seen by more people, so I just reposted the link in a new thread.

    Are you ok with that?

    "Newbie" Marjorie

  • sf

    Oh my, Alleymom, please pardon me on never replying to you, until now.

    As for the 'gallery', it is closed.

    Yet, I was able to pull this out of a search. You will see that his mainpage is closed now, yet the pages 6 and 7 that are hyperlinked below contain some of his work:

    The Watchtower Society Art Department's "Gallery of the Grotesque"
    After you've finished your tour of the Watchers Museum, be certain to bustle yourself on over for a visit to Tallyman's eye-popping art gallery. A hall of lovingly handcrafted horrors gleaned from the pages of the Watchtower's own books and brochures, proving that a picture truly is worth a thousand words... and maybe a couple million horrified shrieks...and several hundred million agonized screams... and at least a few billion death rattles...

    (A small sampling of Tallyman's collection can be found on pages 6 and 7 of the Geddon Museum. Many thanks to him for their use.)
    (Tallyman and his Gallery pulled a disappearing act for several very sad months in late 2002. My thanks to "The Fool" for finding him for us, once again.)
    {{{{{{ hey Tom }}}}} I'll be ' in touch' soon babe. Give pops big hugs from the sKallywagger.
    krap, i screwed up my format.

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