Interested in sponsoring an ex-JW Blood Drive in LA

by Shawn10538 2 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Shawn10538

    Just curious about what kind of rersponse we would get for such a thing. The Red Cross wants 50 signatures before they will schedule a mobile event. If you have a 20 x 20 room, ther donation can take places with only 25 sign-ups. Give this thread a yes or something to show you are interested and in Southern California.

  • Refriedtruth

    I already participate great plan indeed!

  • Shawn10538

    It would be nice to have an event that is condensed and advertized as "Ex-JWs Hold Blood Donation Event to Save the Lives of Jehovah's Witnesses." It's great that many of you already donate blood. But an event where we are all there at the same time would be incredibly powerful. So I appeal to JWNers to make this happen. Getting the Red Cross to create an event takes actual signatures. So there is commitment involved. Planning, scheduling, and then of course showing up. Can we do it? YES we can. 50 people in the month of April is my goal. I am also promoting this on my facebook, so there will be support from non-ex-JWs.

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