A jw I Know Died

by TOTH 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    Poor old guy had a sudden heart attack and just died. He was 70 and was never sick even once in the time that I knew him the past 6 or 7 years. He was very active, ran a business, restored old cars, and was of course active in the jw ministry. He was an ass to me and my family. Even to my kids. But I suppose it was not HIS fault. He was only following orders from upstairs to push and push and dodge questions.

    His passing is still sad to me though. In another reality I think I may have called him a friend since we had so many similar interests. what a shame people are locked into such a horrible mindset like that of the wt. His poor widow has ALWAYS been sick and THAt is what my father in law was focused on when we discussed the guy's passing. I feel bad for her and have considered paying her a visit and letting her know that as her neighbors, my family is here if she needs anything.

  • NVR2L8

    A few weeks ago a brother in his late fifties passed away. I used to enjoy talking to him and his wife - she is a nurse and provided some guidance in selecting a surgeon a few years back when I had a minor surgery...I felt really bad not going to the funeral talk to give her my sympathies...but I couldn't submit myself to a 45 min infocommercial of how great is the JW views are and how unimportant individuals are even on the day of their funeral...

  • TOTH

    So true, the wt makes everything about promoting their crap. I heard of his passing three weeks after it happened so I was at least spared the debating going or not to the funeral.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I feel for the man's widow and agree you should try to contact/help her.

    She'll most likely refuse at first, all the local witlesses are probably love-bombing her right now (we know that in a few weeks, maybe months, that will stop and she'll be pushed to the curb), but keep in contact because sooner or later she will need help.

  • talesin

    Yes, TOTH, that is the way to be, in my opinion. She may be in need of your support in the future, even the little things are hard for someone in her circumstance. Just making it through the day can be hard for a widow, especially one who is older and has not been alone for so many years.


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