Some really good deals on Crisis of Conscience book!

by Dogpatch 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Now, before it goes beyond the price of gold, here is today's inflationary nonsense on Amazon for buying a new version of Crisis of Conscience!

    OMG I must get one!

  • GOrwell

    As noted, these are for new versions; there are plenty of used options on Amazon and Abes Books for ~$30. I just picked up a 'good' condition copy on Abes Books for $38 shipped.

  • ohiocowboy

    It's really sick that people would do that. Any questioning JW who wants the book could go running back to the Kingdom Halls thinking that EX-JW's were out to price gouge even though many of the sellers are not even Ex-JW's, but retailers out to make quick chunk of money.

    I also see that when new books are available, they are $26 each for paperback. Since the demand is so high anyways, wouldn't a person still make plenty of $$$ if the books were priced near same as most other paperbacks on the market today? Most paperbacks nowadays of the same size are not anywhere near $26, and the Authors (or their families) are still financially secure, especially when a book is a top seller.

    Of course the information is priceless, but still the book should be made available to all at an affordable cost. Many people today can't afford the luxury of spending $26 for a paperback book due to the economy.

    When the time comes, I will give my copy away for free to someone who really needs it, and I don't care if they are going for $500 at the time. There are some things you just don't do, and it will feel good knowing that I am not motivated by greed. I hope karma comes quickly to those booksellers who are taking advantage. I hold those people in the same light as those who charge $50 for a gallon of water after a hurricane.

  • Miles3

    What's even more sick than those people selling those books for 200$+ is the people sitting on Ray Franz publishing rights and not allowing thousands of people to access those books. I don't think that's what Ray would have wanted, and it's a disservice to both his memory and the life of those this book could help.

    As for the 26$ price for paperback, it's true it's a shame, but more of a shame is sitting on the rights and not selling anything as a result. Or avoiding Amazon because Amazon would "devalue" this book's value by selling it under the MSRP. Whatever the price Amazon would sell them, the author's heirs would still get the same profit per book, and the books would be sold more, increasing the overall profits (if it's profits people are after).

    As of now, it's as if the one managing the book's rights is trying to protect the Watchtower, for whatever reason. Is there a threat of litigation that would explain that?

  • Dogpatch

    Maybe someone reliable (I don't have the time) could offer to take all the used Crisis books you have and send them to persons in need. Put a note in (no letters in Media Mail allowed) as to who you are and why you are providing it as a gift (a note to the benefactor). Then others in dire need could get one for free or just the cost of shipping (about $3.50 post office Media Mail but a whopping $19 overseas). I would pitch in to pay the postage for the domestic ones, just make sure they are really legit.

    You receive, you ship, and if the person can't pay the postage, I will. Just contact me at 310-545-7831.

    I do not have room for the books nor the time to ship them, but I am willing to help with postage if necessary. All of us could use this service. A ministry with more than 2-3 workers could accept the used books and ship easily. If I get any more work I will drop dead from mental exhaustion - was up til 5 this AM working... not unusual.

    Randy Watters

    [email protected]

    Any takers? You would really help the ones who need it the most.

  • Miles3

    I only have one copy, and actually need more to give to the few important friends that are still captive from the Borg. I keep looking at Amazon here and then hoping to find cheap second hand copies (being on wellfare for health reasons), but to no avail. Still haven't lost hope though.

    By the way, is there a way to by the book cheaper in bulk (I need English and French editions)? What would be the minimum number for that (in the event the rights owner would decide to sell the book again)?

  • Leeca

    What a hard book to get! In Australia anyway. Finally after months of making it my mission, finally got my hands on it.

    If anyone in Australia is after a copy, as it seems expensive to post overseas, let me know. I just ask that once your finished with it you pass it on to someone else who needs to read it.

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