Religious scientists

by snare&racket 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    I am all for free thought, free opinion and free speech obviously, but some roles come with responsibility. Should Obama be allowed to believe that moon is made of cheese? Sure! Should he announce it? Well.... It will make America look stupid but ok, freedom of speech and all.... What if he says the moon rocks are fake and makes a museum with moo artefacts made out of Edam? Ok it's time for him to retire as president right? Truth is had he been vocal about his moon cheese beliefs he would not get into the white house.

    So what about positions of responsibility where there is no democracy such as science. Should a scientist be able to think for himself? Sure! What about vocally oppose all the evidence .... Sure ok... What about build a museum where dinosaurs are ridden via saddles?

    Check out my new blog entry where I moan about this very thing :) what's your view?

    Btw sorry my iPad never let's me edit the posts, so I apologise for the typos here x

    Snare x

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