Science in Wonderland

by snare&racket 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket


    I wonder if some of you can all help? Having been a JW most of my life and now left, I would like to help people looking for answers find their way to them.

    I have decided to start an evolution/science/medicine/religion blog with hopefully daily discussions based on the latest evidence and relevant news. I hope to encourage free thought and logical thinking that may aid a christian looking for answers, or entertain/ inform like minded people.I hope to learn a lot from other people who also feel the same way.

    I dont want it to be a heavy serious place, but a 5 mins with a cup of coffee, read something interesting ..kind of source. To do this I need to know if the effort is worthwhile, so please support it if it interests you. I have exams soon so it will be a slow few weeks, but hopefully it will become an interesting source of info soon. (like an every man's version of Pharyngula)

    I am currently a trainee doctor and if you are interested in a mix of all the above along with an occasional diary of my medical goings on please support my new blog "Science in Wonderland."

    Take a look at it here ...

    Thank you for your time and I understand if it's not your cup of tea (or coffee).

    Snare x

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