As disciples of Jesus, JW's recognize the authority of Jesus Christ as exercised through "the faithful and discreet slave." - Our Kingdom Ministry

by wannabefree 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    Yep, that was in the May 1986 OKM.

    I was sitting on the floor, going through my binder of old KM's looking at the ones from the year I came into the truth cult ... it's funny (in a pathetic way) how nothing has really changed (well, except for new or brighter light stuff). Twenty-six years ago it was just as much a cult as it is today .. and I couldn't see it.

    The article goes on to say ...

    "keep in mind that we are helping Bible students to become disciples of Jesus Christ and not disciples of ourselves"

    ... since Jesus' exercises his authority through "the faithful and discreet slave", I guess it would also be accurate to say "keep in mind that we are helping Bible students to become disciples of the faithful and discreet slave and not disciples of ourselves"

    *** km 5/86 pp. 7-8 Question Box ***
    Question Box
    ? How can we help our Bible students to qualify for baptism as disciples of Jesus Christ?
    This can most effectively be done by (1) conducting a regular and progressive home Bible study, (2) encouraging regular attendance and participation at the five weekly congregation meetings, and (3) as soon as they become Scripturally qualified, helping and training them to have a meaningful share in the field ministry.
    Jesus Christ commissioned his followers to make disciples, to baptize them, and to teach them to observe his commandments. That commission remains in effect to this day, as indicated by the words: "And, look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things."-Matt. 28:19, 20.
    A disciple is one who accepts and actively promotes the teachings of another. Therefore, those being baptized not only must have gained a basic knowledge of Bible truth but should already be demonstrating by their life course that they understand and are conforming to Jehovah's righteous standards. Additionally, as disciples of Jesus Christ, they recognize Jehovah's visible organization and the authority of Jesus Christ as exercised through "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matt. 24:45-47; Acts 1:8) Sensing the urgency of our times, they have aligned themselves with Jehovah's people in doing the work Jesus initiated and assigned to his followers. (Luke 8:1; Matt. 24:14) Water baptism for these disciples serves as an outward symbol of their whole-souled dedication to Jehovah God.-Compare Psalm 40:8.
    It is good to keep in mind that we are helping Bible students to become disciples of Jesus Christ and not disciples of ourselves. If, because of personal circumstances, available time, natural abilities, or other valid considerations, it should become apparent that we are not able to help the Bible student to make the needed progress toward discipleship, we should talk with the elders about the matter. They may be able to make practical suggestions contributing to the spiritual development of the student, in harmony with the apostle Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 3:5-9.
    The home Bible study should continue until the completion of the two books You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth and United in Worship of the Only True God, even if the student becomes qualified and is baptized before the two books are finished. If either or both of these books are not available in the language of the student, other comparable Society publications that set forth basic Bible teachings and explain Jehovah's righteous requirements for mankind can be used.
  • mrquik

    You never get a straight answer about who's to blame for the mistakes. If they are indeed "authorized" by Christ, then Jesus has to take the fall. Yet blaming Jesus for changed doctrine that ruined lives violates the "the law of love." So they are left on the horns of a dilemma. If Jesus is not responsible, then the JW's are following men. They might do just as well following Ronald McDonald. (Might get a free hamburger.)

  • designs

    'The role of the catholic priest is to be the intermediary between God and man in the service of His Church on Earth and he is charged to preach, sanctify and pray for the convertion of souls'.

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