New Book with ex-Witnesses Essays

by Shepherd Book 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    I am currently interning with Freethought House. Their book, Atheist Voices of Minnesota, is scheduled for an August 2012 release. My essay, "Losing My Head," was accepted for inclusion in the book. It tells my story of becoming the "head" of the women in the congregation at the advanced age of 12, and how I observed many absurdities regarding the Watchtower's policy of male-only leadership through my years as a JW. There are at least two other ex-JWs with essay appearing in the book as well.

    Book's website: Atheist Voices of Minnesota (includes a list & links of other contributors)

    Very exciting! I'll keep you all posted.

  • Kojack57

    Shepard book: Sounds very interesting. It's always good to read experiences that help others to cope with what they are going through.

    Adds some stability in our lives. I will definitely buy the book.

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Thanks, Kojack. I was beginning to wonder if anyone saw my post!

    I see it's listed on Amazon now - though not for sale until late August.

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