FAO: The Governing Body of JW's

by snare&racket 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    As far as long shots go, this is probably my longest.... but it is also the most important longshot I will ever fire...

    Stop ignoring the crisis and listen to your conscience.

    Call it a day, shut it all down. Turn it all off.

    Religion is a Snare and a Racket remember ?

    Seriously, pack your bags, take your wife by the hand and go live out the remaining days of your precious life. The clock has sadly ticked away your life, and you know it has all been for nothing. I am sorry that is the case, I truly am. But the animal is now being fed by you , every day you say nothing, everyday you stay too scared to walk or talk, everyday you ignore your conscience you allow it to breathe, to continuning to eat other peoples lives as it once ate yours. You have the power to stop the machine from grinding up more lives earlier than it needs to go on for.

    Stop it all now. Walk away. Dont die in the walls of a factory, or in a cold clinical room donated to you from other peoples money. Die with a clean conscience in a home of your own, knowing that in one action you may just make a difference to 7 million lives. We all know this mislead business is a house of cards waiting for a gust of wind to blow it all down. Will your name be amongst the men that attempted to hold it up or will you be remembered for shining a light on where darkness has lived for too long? Think about it, at best how long will this religion last? 10 years? 50 years? 100? Your name will forever be attached.... but will it be for strength, or for weakness ?

    Walk away. Get out of her.

  • snare&racket

    They are but men, you never know..... they may just read it and I am sure they started off in this thing with the best intentions. Deep down somwhere they want to do this. Maybe we need to help them.

  • TOTH

    The gb hops into a big, swirly, bubbly bath together and lustfully comes up with ways to control jw's. That is the extent of their lives. Get the EFF out before the big swirly bubbly bathers waste your ENTIRE life. LOL

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