Some of The MOST Incredible Tornado Footage Ever!!! WOW!

by ohiocowboy 1 Replies latest social current

  • ohiocowboy

    I have never seen anything like this. Scientists will be studying this for years. It is best seen in full screen to capture the details. There are about 8 minutes of footage, but believe me, every second is incredible.

    My heart goes out to all of the families that lost life, limb, and property, and I pray for their comfort.

    Video and story is here

  • flipper

    OHIOCOWBOY- Wow. That was some pretty surrealistic footage. But it shows the REAL damage tornados can cause. As you stated : my heart goes out to the families who have been hit by these tornados as well. What a horrific way to die, be maimed, or lose your loved ones and home. Thanks for posting the footage. Pretty vivid

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