Is it possible there will have to be "noo lite" soon regarding The Memorial?

by Amelia Ashton 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    My understanding is that all JWs originally took the emblems. Then when numbers went over 144k "noo lite" showed not all were destined for heaven but the leftover surplus were now going to live on

    earth. These surplus ones did not attend the memorial as it was only for the anointed.

    As numbers of the anointed declined they decided to invite the surplus to come and respectfully observe them sipping and nibbling and try to bring as many onlookers as they could find willing to waste an evening.

    The numbers of those who sip and nibble have now declined to such an extent the "respectful observers" have got nothing to observe, except possibly some mentally ill person taking the emblems disrespectfully.

    It is a bit daft inviting people to a meeting to observe no-one taking the emblems.

    Anyone like to make a prediction on what the noo lite might be?

  • designs

    Amelia- It was the Bible Students who believed that there were two classes with Heavenly hopes and they partook, they didn't expect the non-conscecrated to partake, this was the case through the 1920s as Rutherford took over. If can get a copy of RICHES published in 1935 read the explanation on the 'other sheep'. They won't change this any time soon.

  • Phizzy

    They might just get a "refinement" type blast of Noo Lite and calculate the thing so that they celebrate it on the right night.

    Getting people to go and observe nothing happening on the wrong night is simply laughable.

    As they have established that it does not matter how many partake, because the GB is the FDS in terms of power and teaching etc, they could always suddenly get Noo Lite that all should partake, they could still have earthly hopers and the elite heavenly class, even if all partook.

    I do not see this happening, they are aware that great upheaval is caused by such changes, they will only do it if it is an earner in some way the $ speaks to them much more than the Bible does. It may attract more members if they did not have such a weird take on the communion meal.

  • designs

    The current two classes plays into the Witness world view better than a come on come all communion, eliteism is very important in the Witness world.

    Just when you think young people have had enough of christianity along comes the Kurk Cameron's spewing homophobic crap. All of this is not lost on the Witnesses and how they view they way 'Churches do things'.

  • leavingwt

    The leadership of the WT is able to retain magical powers, by insisting that 99% of the flock are unlike them. They are special, chosen by God.

  • hamsterbait

    A Witchtower study in late 2010 pointed out that in john 6, "note that jesus was speaking" to those who belived they would be given a heavenly, and those who believed in an earthly resurrection.

    They have planted the seed for the change. The sheeples will swallow whatever koolaid they are given - they are too afraid to dissent.


  • ssn587

    The memorial is such a waste, why even go there, just to pass some emblems along. A time waster if there ever was one. And of course they have to bring up if any in the congreagion are new and want a study, like sure they just got through telling you have wonderful the "anointed" are and then the elders and blah blah blah and do they really think anyone would want to study with them. Please!!!!

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