convincing someone to live

by emanresu 9 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • emanresu

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if you could help me out.

    Tomorrow, I will be visiting a jw and I learned that she has anemia and has been given 4 months to live. I really care for this person who i've only seen about 3 times. On every visit i've made, she seems to be drunk (probably because of all the stress) and she has mentioned a couple of times that she "wants to die for God". I never made any sense of this until she said that she was anemic.

    I don't think she is a very active jw now because we've had honest iscussions about the bible and Jesus Christ and she seems interested. So, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with how I could convince her that she doesn't have to give up her life (literally). Any bible or anything else concerning this would be greatly appreciated.


  • NewChapter

    Is she refusing treatment? Anemia is pretty vague, and I wonder what is causing the anemia.

  • emanresu

    NewChapter, That is my suspicion. we haven't gone into an in-depth discussion about her condition. All she said is that she has Anemia and that she has 4 months to live. I just want to be prepared for our discussion tomorrow

  • exwhyzee

    Maybe she's got some kind of Leukemia that requires a blood transfusion so she figures she's dying for God since she will have to refuse treatment.

    If not, maybe the old Cliche's will appeal to her.

    Ask her if she believes that life is a gift from God. If it is, wouldn't it be showing a lack of regard not to do what is within her power to preserve it so that she can use her life to further his interests?

    God want's us to be courageous like a Lion but dead Lions are of no use to him.

    i have an old friend I knew in Bethel who I recently got in contact with. He is only my age but is suffering and in need of a major surgery or he will die in a short time. He is of the Annointed and is living for the day he can be with Jehovah. I told him he has all eternity to be with Jehovah if that's whats going to happen. Why not for his Mother's sake and the sake of his family, stick around awhile. His mind is made up.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It's her life. Why shouldn't she get to decide what to do with it?

  • transhuman68

    IDK. Too few details, but your friend may have been misled about her condition or may be delusional. If she is continually drunk, I would recommend giving her the address and meeting times of the local branch of A.A. But maybe she does have a real medical problem....

  • Vidqun

    Different reasons for anemia: 1) Losing more RBC (red blood cells) than you produce, e.g., excessive bleeding or hemolysis. 2) Producing too little RBC. 3) RBC production diminishing.

    Classification: Normocytic anemia, e.g., cells broken down by radiation, toxins. Macrocytic anemia. RBC abnormally enlarged because of a shortage of folic acid and vit. B12. Microcytic anemia, cells are small, because of a lack of iron.

    Depending on which one she has, there are effective treatments available for most of them.

  • Phizzy

    Get her to look at articles about blood, she has nothing to lose by doing so, and may preserve her own life.

    Scroll down to "Questionable Doctrine" and click on Blood Transfusion.

  • TOTH

    A few months before my brother passed away, he was in the hospital dying. His blood count was very low and he NEEDED six units of blood to be able to survive. While he was never a strong jw, he was stubbornly hanging onto the blood doctrine. By not being a strong jw I mean that he was screwing with a MARRIED inactive jw woman while he was living with another woman and all the while had about 6 different women on a string.

    Now I loved my brother and thought he was the luckiest guy on earth to be able to keep so many universes from colliding and ruining his sexual utopia. But he was NOT being a good jw. So when I got that phone call from a mutual friend that he was avoiding blood to keep the memory of our dearly departed father and grandfather alive, I stepped in.

    I told him how when King Saul's men were starving they ate meat with the blood and fire and brimstone did not consume them. Samuel scolded them and declared them UNCLEAN and provided steps for them to redeem themselves. So eating blood is not a death sentence. My brother accepted the blood and pulled through. He was mostly terrified of losing me, my mom and sister....We ALL told him he could never lose us. WE ARE FAMILY afterall...

    Sadly he did pass away the following September from other complicating conditions. But he died knowing we loved him no matter what.

  • NewChapter

    Toth, I'm sorry you lost your brother---but I'm so glad you were able to asssure him of your love and make those things right before he died.

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