A thought on God creating us in his image or us creating him in our image

by ldrnomo 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ldrnomo

    I saw this quote from Stephen Hawking today

    " I think computer viruses should count as life ... I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image."

    Are we destructive because we were created in God's image?

    Or are we just destructive so the God we created (the many forms of God we created) are also destructive.

  • frankiespeakin

    We make gods in our image:

    Going to this lecture tomorrow:

    "Making sense of Demons and Gods"


  • mP

    Firstly let me say, the best way to answer this is to ask, what is a god in the ancient days. Nearly all peoples thought or represented the ancient gods with several common properties or attributes

    - they were rulers or powerful

    - they had magic powers absent from common man.

    - they were immortal

    - they looked like real men

    - gods always need messengers to rule.

    - lots of girls

    -they can do anything.

    If one then looks at other divine people in history we see they too share many of these common attributes. Im thinking of extra ordinary men like Julius Caesar and Alexander The Great. Horrorific murders but they still qualify for just about all the above attributes. WHile they may be dead, their names continue to live just like ancient gods that we cant see. Kings always need messengers to get the message out.

    The Bible uses prophets and angels which we romanticise into men with wings. When we look at the Bible we that many of the heroes have all of the above attributes. Take a look at King David, no matter what he did he got away without punishment, while other common folk got instant death. Just like the Gods we still talk about him and remember him for great things he never did - im talking about the fact no archeologist has ever found any of his great kingdom, palace etc. As Finklestein has said in documentaries and books he was a leader of a small village with a few hundred people at best.

  • transhuman68

    LOL, that’s a trite little saying from Stephen Hawking that probably says more about him than it does about humankind. A virus is no more a form of life than an anti-virus program is. And obviously we aren’t destructive by nature, or we would still be living in caves and clubbing each other. Biblegod is just a propaganda product- he was written in as an unmerciful SOB because he served the purpose of the scribes who described him.

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